内容简介: 重生醒来,她成了被亲哥们送进疯人院的小可怜。亲哥们只疼当年被抱错的假千金‘妹妹’,对她百般厌恶。于是裴允歌作天作地,收拾假千金,等着他们叫她滚。可哥哥们态度诡异。秦总冷笑,“我妹砸 店?来,给我把商场买下来,让我妹砸!”秦影帝挑眉,“她送上门潜规则?那我这个哥哥是死了吗?”秦神脸黑,“你三番两次耍心机欺负歌儿,当我眼瞎?”裴允歌:“?”#渣哥也有抽风的一天#……重返8年前,秦家还没破产,哥哥们只惦记为他们惨死的亲妹。无能傻笨又怎样,那也是他们誓死爱护的心尖宠!正当哥哥们步伐坚定,找到裴允歌时。“我家允允又拿了世赛第一,这么乖啊。”斯文矜贵的男人笑得勾人。被连扒七八个马甲后,她气得牙痒,抱着男人咬了一口,“以后你别想哄我回家。”三个亲哥:“?”#这个迷之走向和野男人是怎么回事#【团宠+掉马】【超A妖精大佬+斯文败类大总裁】1w0-1871 >>
内容简介:昔日驱驷马,设宴黄金台。旌悬白云外,骑猎红尘中。今来向易水,素盖转悲风。荣华与歌笑,万里尽成空。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《随波逐流之神龙传奇》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的 朋友推荐哦!1w0-76848 >>
内容简介:刚毕业的王琛得到一个能自由穿梭古代和现代的系统,还能随身携带东西。可是,这个系统有点坑,别人去古代带回来的东西是古董,他带回来的却被告知时间年限很短,于是,他另辟蹊径,在古代开工厂,只 需要付出很小的代价,就能招募到一群听话能干的工人!发达了!靠着倒卖现代商品到古代,在古代生产商品,他一跃成为全球最大的制造商!王氏制造,您值得拥有!————PS:已有四百八十万字完本精品老1w0-73562 >>
内容简介:灵气复苏,你发现不练武根本没前途,幸好继承了一片墓地。用裹尸布葬下一具黑毛僵尸,每日产生【灵气1】,你捡起来,修为得到增强。用血檀邪木棺葬下一具血尸,每日产生【血气1】,【修罗刀法1】 ,你捡起来,修罗刀法大成,领悟杀戮刀意,变得超凶!用五龙金紫棺葬下一具帝王古尸,每日产生【帝王龙气5】,【大威天龙经5】……你捡起来,练成了一部顶级炼体功法,肉身如龙,蛮横无匹!有强者杀死一头恐怖冥兽,被你埋入坟墓中,每日产生【冥王之血10】,【冥龙之气20】……你捡了起来,突然感觉自己修为大进,肉身成神,挥拳犹如核爆。你将两只黑毛僵尸进行合葬,谁料到出现融合变异,合成出了暗魔尸王!!!这些僵尸竟然还能爬出墓地为自己战斗。从此,你爱上了收集各种强者尸体……终于有天,你发现自己随手一拳打爆了路过的神魔,原来你已经摧枯拉朽,天下无敌了!各位书友要是觉得《我有一片墓地》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79511 >>
内容简介:钟歧云以为,穿越这档子事吧,金手指开花翻云覆雨这些都暂且不提,穿成个世家公子权大、钱多、妻妾成群乐逍遥那也是正常操作但为什么他一朝醒来就是秋后问斩阶下囚?什么钱、权、美人,什么朝堂之上 翻云覆雨,皆是狗屁!活命乃第一要义。费尽心力、机关算尽,别人为权,他为狗命。终究苦尽甘来,成为一代‘官商’,只待新皇指婚第一美人儿。1w0-35228 >>
内容简介:冬宁接受了一个哨兵的心理疏导工作,却发现他身患神高潮瘾症,并且有严重的药物依赖。为帮他脱瘾,她不得不采取特殊手段。【入坑指南】:1非典型向哨gb文,不写动物神体,看清楚,是【gb文】, 女主更强势。更多小说请2存在bdsm玩法,剧情需要。3有副c。我很喜欢他们,但正文不会过多描写,可能写番外或者再开一篇。4是为了让我自己爽才激情开文的,文笔不太好,而且【更新不稳定】。1w0-88104 >>
内容简介: 俗话说“死了张屠户,不吃带毛猪。”余塘县欺行霸市的张屠户被狐狸精榨干身子而死,百姓正高兴之际,却发现对方死而复生,变得更凶更霸道,还学会了法术,从此,看着他翻江倒海,横行天下…这里 有剑客长啸,古道西风,这里有书生赶考,荒村破庙,这里有妖邪肆虐,荒山大泽,这里有练气全真,上古秘境…本书又名《天罡地煞108变》、《猛人大帝》、《大威天龙?尝俺脚底板》…1w0-1809 >>
内容简介:苏再再觉得她真惨。负责赚钱养家的二师弟闭关了。留下一个正在长身体的小师侄,以及进入退休养老状态,近几年非常喜欢养奇怪宠物的师尊。可苦了她这个道门大弟子。好在天无绝人之路,她的豪门奶奶找 来了!原来她是真千金!什么?!她有一门娃娃亲,未婚夫看不上她这个野丫头,和假千金是真爱,得知她还活着后见面就甩一百万要她离开??“不可以,至少得再加一百万。”苏再再严肃的竖起一根手指加码加价,“不然这事没商量。”“无耻!”未婚夫骂道。“骂我?”苏再再愣了一下,表情越发严肃等盯到对面的人头皮微微发麻后,又慢吞吞开口,“那还要再多给50万的精神损失费。”师尊养在宗门后山的宠物可都是肉食动物,需定期投喂,开销很大很大的!道门山后的万恶厉鬼窟,发出“萌萌”的嚎叫声,“声援”少主。——不久后——顺利出关的二师弟看着草都长了半腰高的宗门,陷入沉默。他记得……闭关前自己明明留了够一大家子吃喝一百年的食物和钱的。所以现在人呢?1w0-1566 >>
内容简介:一穷二白,叶小月压力山大,公妻神马的就算了,她虽然讨厌男人三妻四妾,但是她也不想自己有三四个老公,所以,唯一的出路就是改变穷苦现状,然后再将这一个个的男人调教一番,都风光的“嫁”出去… …1w0-108607 >>
内容简介:拯救偏执反派Alpha是见归舟创作的经典的小说作品拯救偏执反派Alpha小兵提供拯救偏执反派Alpha最新章节全文免费阅读,拯救偏执反派Alpha下载,拯救偏执反派Alpha全文字更新 ,拯救偏执反派Alpha无弹窗!请关注拯救偏执反派Alpha吧,本站最新最快更新拯救偏执反派Alpha的最新章节。1w0-65173 >>
We are criticized just because we're women and hurt each other just because we're women. This is the story of women bound by the pressure of womanhood in love, work, and childbirth, who continue to live on, ragged and ungraceful. Miki Aoki is 31, single, and sick of life, but her slowly building savings balance keeps her going. She's surrounded by people like her old-fashioned boss who tosses off things like “This is why I hate women” (shut your face) and her fossil of a mother who puts pressure on her, saying things like “So when are you going to get married and have children?” (please stop talking). And then there's a younger staff member at work with whom she only has superficial relationships (just do your jobs). She could really care less about the lot of it. This is the bitter and sad story of women who live like that, an anthem to cheer on all women.
From Nakama: When Takagi Akira, an owner of an apartment, was in town, he ran into a scene where a man, Oodoi, saved an old man from a gang. Akira fell for Oodoi’s manly courage and took him in his apartment. Oodoi found Akira’s apartment comfy and spent time there. Akira thought Oodoi's manly act was now part of the past... But when Akira was harassed by mobs and about to sell his apartment, it was Oodoi who saved his life. Truth is, Oodoi is a yakuza and…
From MangaHelpers: Since their mother's death, sisters Tomoe and Mikage have been mostly raising each other. The older sister, Tomoe, is determined to get good grades and work her way into a good college. However, she's disturbed by the trouble Mikage sometimes gives her. For instance, at the beginning of the manga, Mikage sneakily locks a collar around her older sister's neck, forcing her to go through the day wearing it. Mikage wants Tomoe to think only of her, and her affection may be beyond sisterly love. However, at school, Mikage has made a new female 'friend' that has a serious crush on her. The two sisters have their separate lives at their respective schools, but their life together and their relationship may be most important of all. [tethysdust]
Binta Yugawara is a 'Bodz' or Bomber Kid, in the city of Atamu, who dreams of defeating his hero, Smash Kintaro. While in the city, he battles using a pog like game system, against several other Bodz, including Banji Chihara, BJ, and a man by the code name, 'X.' Hiroyuki Takei (of Shaman King fame), is the supervisor for this series. All artwork is officially drawn by Kato Gaito, who later helped assist Takei with 'Jyuki Ningen Jumbor.' The series was canceled after 3 chapters and never met the intended 197 pages announced in the first chapter. Neither Shueisha nor Takei have ever officially mentioned this series since it was canceled.
A Ride Across Palestine summary: A Ride Across Palestine summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Ride Across Palestine. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Tessa Leoni: Crash And Burn summary: Tessa Leoni: Crash And Burn summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Tessa Leoni: Crash And Burn. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Revolutionary Summer summary: Revolutionary Summer summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Revolutionary Summer. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Capricious Caroline summary: Capricious Caroline summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Capricious Caroline. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.