简介改编自网易文学作者 汤圆儿 作品《诱妻入怀:前夫,请温柔》 夜———— 男人裸露上身步步逼近,粗暴的撤掉浴巾,狠狠的将她刺破! “女人,当初你费劲心机爬上我的床,为的不就是今天?” 她冷笑:“你以为,我和她们一样肤浅?” 他薄唇沿着她的锁骨绕圈。“不,你和她们当然不一样,她们要的是我的钱,而你.........要的是我的命。” 没错,她要的就是他的命。
内容简介: 杨峰穿越了,他来到了大明,但他一点都不高兴,因为他快饿死了。 想尽办法回到现代社会的他曾经立志再也不会到那个见鬼的年代了,但他很快就食言了,为了生活他只能一次又一次的在两个时空里 穿梭。 在大明他认识了很多有意思的人,做了很多有意思的事,而且他甚至还交了很多有意思的朋友,当了很大的官。 这就是杨峰在大明的生活。 群号:2-4-0-4-5-4-1-8-81w0-931 >>
内容简介:制神符,炼体魄,修无上剑道,悟法则奥义……陈汐凭借过人的胆识和逆天的机缘,在这神魔纵横的大世界中,最终踏上无尽大道的巅峰,掌控天下!金鱼的微信公众号:搜索【 萧瑾瑜】添加即可!1w0-1065 >>
内容简介:萧云的系统只会一个功能——顿悟!体质平凡?顿悟混沌体!功法难修?顿悟圆满境界!神通难修?顿悟圆满境界!没有什么是顿悟不能解决的,如果有,那就顿悟十次,百次……玄幻,我顿悟了混沌体1w1 7209-76321 >>
内容简介:传闻,霍少的未婚妻是乡下长大的,长得很丑,没有学问,跟个草包一样。宴会上,舒情露面,众人纷纷都惊了!“这哪里丑了!”“据说影帝是她小弟!”“她爹是世界第一首富!”“神秘的loe服装设计 师就是她!”一个个马甲掉光,众人都惊呆了,不过那又怎样,霍云城又不喜欢她。当天,霍氏集团官方发了条微博。“感情很好,即将准备结婚。”众人:“”!!!1w5556-25521 >>
内容简介: 长安,百鬼夜行; 洛阳,阴兵借道; 公元649年,天可汗驾崩含风殿,战神病故于卧榻上。 一代女皇在灵宝寺内落发出家;大唐神探步入国子监求学。 一个属于未来的灵魂,来到了长安 城。 贞观盛世下,有魑魅魍魉藏于黑暗之中。煌煌都城之中,妖魔鬼怪横行。 这是一个人与妖魔共生的世界。 不良人横刀在手,搅动风云色变。 长生?我不欲也!千万年太久,我只争朝夕,活一个畅快淋漓。 这是一个略带有魔幻色彩的历史小说。 我不知道大家是否能接受,但我希望,能与诸君分享这个故事。1w0-2823 >>
内容简介:五年前,遭未婚夫继妹陷害,生产后孩子更是被一一送人。五年后,她带着多重身份强势归来,身边还跟着七个葫芦娃,处处宠着她。陆夜寒商界让人闻风丧胆的存在,以为自己有了七个娃就可以轻松追妻了, 没想到这七个是处处漏风的皮夹克,是他追妻路上的绊脚石。1w0-38083 >>
内容简介:竹马是女主白月光笔趣阁,竹马是女主白月光sodu,竹马是女主白月光小说,竹马是女主白月光顶点,竹马是女主白月光酸奶蛋糕,程澄发现自己是本重生文里那的炮灰,里面女主前世为爱离家,最后落个 凄凉下场,结果女主重回一世,发现某某前世成长为一代大佬,爱她入骨,甚至为了给她报仇,导致家破人亡,于是,这一世,她决定好好珍惜他,再也不去追那道名为季旻的光。而程澄好巧不巧就是那位大佬的女朋友,还是女主替身,最后,占了家破人亡里的那一个亡字?程澄一气之下,远离男女主准备做个海王,第一个就是少时就暗戳戳想染指的邻家大哥哥,她家五年前破产,他家七年前破产两人有共同话题!但她撩着撩着,忽然发现破产大哥哥不对劲,一颗扣子够她吃好几顿饭?程澄捏着那颗扣子,傻了会,然后跑了。季旻有天就是回学校看看,然后就看到个不太熟的邻家小姑娘叽叽喳喳说个不停,一直跟他聊破产的事?结果有一天,她跑的无影无踪,还偷走了他的扣子。季旻一手捏着那件缺了扣子的衬衫,脸黑了。后来。原女主等啊等的,还没等到原男主翻身的那一天,忽然有一天,她看到几个保镖守在酒店走廊,然后远远看到前世那道翻手为云覆手为雨的光,一把拉住程澄,最后进了房间久久没出来文案写于2020918,已截图。11w0-95695 >>
内容简介:世人皆知,当今天子性情暴虐,杀人如麻。后宫佳丽三千,无一敢近其身。后宫众妃:争宠?不存在的!苟住小命要紧!皇帝登基五年尚无子嗣,朝臣们都操碎了心。就在这时,沈太傅家那位痴傻的小孙女阿措 ,主动扑进了皇帝怀中。满朝文武&后宫上下:震惊!!!后来,沈家阿措升职加薪,搞到皇帝,一朝有孕,坐上皇后宝座,走上人生巅峰。世人皆赞皇后好命能生,无人知晓,皇帝在夜深人静之时,刻苦学习“恋爱入门指南”“好男人必备守则”“论证男人怀孕的可能性”……听说皇后又有喜了,皇帝盯着手里的书页直皱眉,“阿措那么怕疼,怕是又得哭了,要是朕能替她生就好了。”阿措:其实我真的不是人……---【食用指南】1-多子多福小石榴精X口是心非傲娇暴君。2-小甜文1v1,架的很空,求别考据3-男主性格有缺陷,真-有病-暴君,女主会慢慢治愈他的1w0-4469 >>
内容简介:【百万字完本作品保障!放心入坑!】【单女主狗粮文】【糖尿病患者慎入】陈池得到为重生后请愿的机会。赚钱?要!完美人格?要!但最关键的是…更要提前离那个疯女人远点!不过……舒欣柔:“陈池同 学,告诉你个秘密,我是你以后的老婆。”各位书友要是觉得《超可爱总裁老婆也重生了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-29364 >>
内容简介:“报告慕少,少夫人和王家太太吵架了。”慕少“天凉了,王氏该破产了。”“慕少,不好了,少夫人在周小姐打起来了。”慕少“还不带人过去帮忙?少夫人少根头发,让周家陪葬!”“慕少,少夫人带着野 种去见当红影帝了!”慕少拍桌而起34那是我的种!马上准备直升飞机,我亲自过去捉奸!34帝都最矜贵的慕家大少,娶了臭名昭著的宋家大小1w16954-26084 >>
In the distant past, the prosperous nation of Kama waged war against the nation of Spectra, resulting in the creation of an AI that wiped out all humans. Centuries later, Raye, the last surviving human, lives amongst an android society on the outskirts of Kama. On the night of her 13th birthday, her peaceful life is upended when Spectra attacks, destroying her home and forcing her friends to the front lines. Desperate to save everything she loves, Raye calls upon humanity's last bastion: 'Sky Striker', the Kama-developed secret technology made to turn humans into the ultimate living weapons. …Unexpected, right? In this newest adaptation of Yu-Gi-Oh, the focus of the plot is not on the card game, but instead the many storylines featured in the cards. The first arc surrounds the Sky Striker series, with more to come in the future.
From Seven Seas: Death Jr. -- you've played HIS PSP game, you've read HIS comic! Now get ready as we turn the tables and shine the spotlight on a force as powerful as the son of Death himself -- his girlfriend! Pandora discovers a secret portal that sends her to the future and into the body of her teenage self. Besides having to grapple with teenage angst, she must save the future DJ from his greatest enemy yet -- a snake-haired foreign exchange student with a deadly gaze and even deadlier intentions!
The 'campus sword & sorcery' story is set in a private high school that brings together 'saviors,' youths with awakened memories from past lives. Some of them are Shirogane who fight enemies with weapons and techniques gleaned from the Puraana powers from their own bodies. Others are Kuroma who wipe out enemies, with magic to manipulate the Maana powers that surpass physics. A boy named Moroha Haimura enrolls in this school. He is the first person in history with past lives of both Shirogane and Kuroma.
From Storm in Heaven:In the future, a devastating war has forced mankind to take refuge under ground. While most of humanity is content, several people dream of the impossible–of seeing the sky. The Narise Corporation has been researching just how to do that, using a special robot, Ciel, who has the unique ability to conjure up images of the world above ground through his songs. However, when murder strikes the company, Ciel has to run away...but he won’t ever forget his promise to lead his friend to the sky.
The History Of Sabatai Sevi summary: The History Of Sabatai Sevi summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The History Of Sabatai Sevi. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Bastard Called Brave And The Former Fiancé, I Will Crush All Of Them summary: The continent’s largest kingdom, the Kingdom of Westphalia The boy Light who lived there had the lesson of the sword from his father who was a former knight of the kingdom, together with his childhood friend Lyrica and Sere. Both Lyrica and Light being childhood lovers, promise to be engaged with each other. Sere also being in love with Light decided to be Light’s mistress. Because you have to be a knight to have a mistress, Light slaves himself to point of death in order to be a knight of the kingdom of Westphalia. And, in order to receive the special ability called “gift” which everyone has, when Light, Lyrica and Sere become 16 years old, they go to the cathedral of the Westphalia kingdom in order to appraise their “gifts”. However the cruel reality is revealed, when Lyrica and Sere both receive great gifts and Light receives a talent called “???” An Unknown Power. A man called Brave came from another world with two women and told both of the women “Are you the girls of my destiny?” They were gathering girls with great gifts to combine their power and kill the Demon King that was recently revived. Lyrica and Sera together with the man called brave and the two girls journey together in order to kill the Demon King. One year later.. Lyrica and Sere came back, as the wife of the brave rage.. For the two of them, Light, which became a knight in order to marry them, is simply deserted. Betrayed by both of his dearest Fiancés, Light, broken by sadness wandered aimlessly, weeping.. But his sorrowful emotions are killed soundlessly as anger consumed him… All of them… KILL!
Against The Tide Of Years summary: Against The Tide Of Years summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Against The Tide Of Years. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Poetry Of Robert Browning summary: The Poetry Of Robert Browning summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Poetry Of Robert Browning. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.