简介离奇死亡的凌优优强闯冥界逃入人间,阴阳官奉命抓捕,在一系列爆笑故事之后,等待他们得又将会是何种真相! 欲知详情,观众老爷们请点击观看!关注微博:创易漫画,有更多更好看的漫画等着你。读者群号:829348592 更新时间:周六
内容简介:叶祺被赶出家门的那天,正举着手机在某手直播。“走就走,劳资C城一哥,去哪里都是王者!”粉丝:大哥nb!当天晚上,这位王者就在医院迷路,急得哭红了眼睛。被心黑手黑的干舅舅路修禾捡回家里。 第二天,在墙上乱画的王者哭咧咧地半夜刷墙第三天,装病不起的王者被迫点了一整天的葡萄糖……第n天——粉丝:大哥,几月不见怎么这么拉了,直播打架啊!叶祺顶着路修禾威胁的目光,恨恨地把作业本甩上书桌。“打什么打1w0-126630 >>
内容简介:眼睛一闭一睁,阮软穿成了个兔子精。从那个寸草不生的破地方离开之后,阮软遇上一只狐狸精。狐狸精冷漠又嗜血,初次见面就一匕首宰了她——不过她没死成。求生欲让人强大——阮软成功地成为了狐狸精 的小跟班儿。洗衣做…1w0-33114 >>
内容简介:末世残酷,各种物资奇缺,粮食成为横行四方的硬通货之一。无数人被放逐安全区之外,成为农民,在贫瘠的土地上挣扎着,跟变异动植物、病菌和老天爷殊死搏斗。他们是最小生产单位,农忙种地,农闲搞基 础建设,关键时候还要保卫家园。只有十八般武艺全会的人,才能勉强生存下来。也只有种出规定量的饱腹之物上交,才能获得市民资格,进入安全区,过上正常人的生活。周黍是现代休闲农庄的创业者,意外溺水后重生在末世同名同姓的少女身体中。一栋破屋,一辆破车,三个月口粮再加一张五万亩荒地的承包合同,就是她的全部财产。残破的记忆中有个声音:“周黍,你本该一死,但本着末日不浪费任何人命的原则,就让你做个农民。终其一生,你只会是农民,永远也无法获得进入安全区的资格。”周黍却对着合同笑,承包地十年免税不说,能力允许下自开垦荒地可永久私有。这么好的事,干了!后来,人类逐渐在末日中站稳脚跟,周黍也成为最大的农场主、粮食商人和土地拥有者。在荒区,目见之物,皆为周黍所有。人言,周黍欠收一季,安全区将挨饿一月。各安全区向她伸出橄榄枝,请求她成为荣誉市民,然而她一一拒绝。农民,永远离不开土地;她所立之处,是她的王土;她所居之地,是她的王都。点击作者名,可进入作者专栏,收藏后可随时关注更文消息。专栏已经完结的文:单位分配烂尾楼(基建)专栏预收的文1:九零年代进城记;专栏的预收文2:妖里妖气;九零年代进城记文案周奶奶花四千元给孙子周壁办了城市户口。说周家穷了四五代,要从周壁起斩断穷根,进城吃国家饭。可她从来抠门,过年都舍不得买斤猪肉给两个孙女吃,哪里来的钱?周墨告诉姐姐周蔷:“爸妈寄回来,给你读中专和办毕业分配的钱!”周蔷闹了个天翻地覆,将家都砸了。但周奶奶撇嘴:“闹也没用!你妈跟你爸进城这么多年,说是打工,谁知道是不是躲清闲?爹妈不管的丫头片子,把你们从七八岁带到十五六岁,不值四千块?想读书,让你妈再寄钱回来!寄不回来,东头李家的儿子看上你,愿意出六千六百块说亲!”周蔷哭得两眼红肿,周墨悄悄收拾行李,连夜就走!周蔷不敢,被人贩子拐走怎么办?周墨坚定道:“进城找爸妈去,就算没有书读,打工也比留在村里好。”上辈子学费被吞,姐姐被逼得想不开,花一样的人留下终生残疾。周墨无数次遗憾,如果这一切都没发生该有多好。她闭眼睁眼,居然回到十四岁。那就什么也别管,带着姐姐和书包进城去。城里很大,容得下一个家。1w0-27814 >>
内容简介:慕瓷爱过一个人。后来,她如愿以偿成了他的女朋友。再后来,她被他下药送到沈如归身边,用来交换他的心尖宠。那晚,慕瓷差点死在沈如归床上,天际泛白,耳边隐约还能听到男人恶魔般的轻笑。“小可怜 ,又落我手里了呢。”1V1,暗恋梗,剧情为主肉为辅簡體版高H現代女性向1w5831-3115 >>
内容简介:上辈子的柳清死于驸马以及所谓亲生哥哥的联手杀害中。重生过来,柳清走了一条与上辈子完全不同的路……上辈子意想不到的人成了这辈子最大的幕后推手。只是怎么感觉男女主人设拿反了……她要劳心劳力 扛起一国之责,他却在身后狐假虎威不亦乐乎。她不过随便抱怨了两句,这男人竟然离家出走……柳清仰天咆哮捶胸顿足。宁长秀,你给我回来啊!老娘愿意养着你啊!奏折再好也不如你给老娘做的蛋炒饭啊!这状况一直延续到某天,柳清收到了一条来自她那个时代的短信……1w0-84419 >>
内容简介: 我叫叶青,幸运获得了一款叫【怪兽工厂】的应用。 这帮力大无穷的怪兽,干起活来一个能顶一百个,还带各种技能。 效率?加工速度+300%技能一开,你跟我比效率? 精度?咳咳~把我 那把传奇品质的游标卡尺拿来,让他见识见识什么叫绝对精度。 叶青语录:男人要想拽,钱包鼓起来。 怪兽语录:千万不要跟我们玩同行恶意竞争,机械制造只是我们的爱好,拳头和刀枪不入的身躯,才是我们混社会的本钱。 二十米高,肌肉虬结的蛮荒巨灵,手持传奇品质的切割机,震天怒吼:“老子不是针对某一家制造业,而是说在座的所有,都是垃圾。” 【怪兽工厂群:20417916】【怪兽大师群:18493657(需要全订阅发图验证)】1w0-500 >>
内容简介:喜欢你的第十年简介:1高中时的程越之长相优越,成绩突出,是老师们赞扬的榜样、同学们羡慕的对象。没有人知道他心里的秘密。他一直怀疑——乔稚宁的眼睛是不是被糊了十八层的隔离滤镜?不然,她的 目光怎么就永远落不到自己身上?高中时的乔稚宁人缘好,朋友多,爸爸宠,生活过得简单快乐。她只有两个小小的烦恼。一是,到底怎样才能证明,她和程越之真的只是单纯的朋友关系啊啊啊?!!二是,如何在“一”的基础上向意中人表白?后来,乔稚宁的这白没表得成,和程越之的关系倒是被澄清了个彻底。身边几乎所有朋友都认为1w0-79544 >>
From Bliss: Halfway through the Tokaido, Hisame's adventure continues with his childhood friend Itsuki. The plot thickens as Hisame discovers things about his father, and the mysterious demon blade Senju Murasame that used to belong to him. Yakumo, a newly introduced antagonist, desperately tries to get his hands on this sword, and will use all means to achieve his goal. The only link to Hisame's past and clues to as why Yakumo wants the demon blade lies with Hisame's sensei, Hibiki. Can Hisame discover his past and put the pieces together?
Hime's younger brother Kaguya joins the public morals committee because he wants to save Hime from the clutches of the student council vice president.
1-3)Salaryman Hoshina has been sharing an apartment and bed with model Atsushi. Atsushi cooks, cleans, and remembers every anniversary, but Hoshina can't figure out why they are in this 'type' of relationship. When Hoshina's younger brother moves in for a while, and the boys must endure until he's gone, will Hoshina even care? Will this time of separation be the turning point in their relationship? And which boy will be the one screaming, 'Once is not enough'? Note: chapter 2 was first released as a oneshot. 4)Try to Say You Love Me- Student Hasegawa has recently started noticing how cute his friend Hashimoto is, especially around homeroom sensei Sawa. Can Hasegawa cheer Hashimoto on, or will he take his adorable classmate for himself... 5)Infection of Feeling- Medical intern Ishiguro has been sleeping with his attending Sensei Sakuma for the past year. Their intensely physical relationship is all Ishiguro ever considered, but Sakuma thinks feelings should be involved as well. 6-7)Refrain Smile, Sweet Words in the Middle of the Night- Aizawa can't seem to stop watching artist Shima, that he always sees sketching in the subway station. Shima's gentle smile he gives, even to strangers captivates Aizawa, so he finds himself standing up for the boy in an argument.
When high school pupil Tohru Honda's mom dies in an automobile crash on her way to perform in the parking-lot, she determines to live together with her grandpa. Restoration on unkind and un-supportive relatives and your house induce her to move from her grandpa's house briefly and, Tohru starts living in a tent and supporting herself because she's no where else to go. In other words, till she finds a house in the least likely of places, inhabited his cousin Shigure and by her well-liked classmate Yuki Sohma. The very first day Tohru goes into the Sohma residence, an orange-haired teen crashes throughout the roofing of her bedroom that is new and begins assaulting Yuki. This starter is Shigure's sharply mad cousin, Yuki and Kyo. He attempts to battle him again once Kyo loses rapidly to Yuki. When he is around to assault, Tohru attempts to prevent him, but slips on a clothes, making her fall onto the again of Kyo. At these times, something huge is discovered by Tohru about the Sohmas. The Sohmas reside using a hex. Twelve family members (excluding Kyo, who's the cat) are possessed by spirits of the Chinese zodiac and turn into their zodiac creature when they're poor, under pressure, obstructed, or when embraced by someone of the other gender. When Tohru finds the Sohmas' secret, is permitted to keep dwelling together and she promises to not tell. Even though the Sohmas' curse is darker and deeper than Tohru understood, her endorsement of them and her existence shortly becomes a big, positive influence on those possessed by the zodiac. She sets out to break the hex and, on the way, meets and finds the Sohma spirits that are zodiac. Each has a style that is different, the same as the creatures in the Chinese zodiac. One by one, the lives of the Sohma family alters eternally.
Refining the Mountains and Rivers summary:
While the blue light blossoms, the insignificant struggle at the bottom. He grasps the opportunity to change his fate and embarks on an unprecedented path…
I will control my destiny, not Heaven!
Perhaps he is naïve, or perhaps, is the start of a new epic journey!
The Shadow - The White Skulls summary: The Shadow - The White Skulls summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Shadow - The White Skulls. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Coincidence summary: Coincidence summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Coincidence. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.