简介“当真正的富二代拿出资源解决问题的时候,你想象不到那是一种什么样的力量!!!” 于守仁,一位突然决定进入高中做一位“平凡”老师的绝对富二代,在面对一群“问题儿童”的时候,在别人议论他特殊敏感的身份的时候,要如何面对呢?!
内容简介:数百万年前,一场战乱席卷苍穹大陆,无数武神陨落,珍贵战技,战器被毁,武道崩断,再无人能成为武神。数百万年后,经过无数大能推算,世代完善,创造出法术法器替代失落的战技战器,完善了武道,但 仍无人能成为武神,自此武神成为一个传说……一个被亲人夺走圣体的少年,机缘下得到葬有‘神’的大墓,他将成为揭开‘武神绝迹’的关键。神级功法,天级法术,至高法器……妖孽般的领悟力,坚韧的心性,不屈的意志……这就是洛尘。等级设定:凝气,蝉凡,腾空,金丹,破窍,周天,化神,武神之境……1w0-4177 >>
内容简介:【【云起书院“我们的2020”创意征文大赛】参赛作品】孙妍霏没想到,自己有一天会穿到与自己同名同姓的白富美女配的身上。身为霸道总裁的炮灰未婚妻,她一心一意等着自己先被“绿”,然后乖乖解 除婚约,从此过上潇洒的有钱人生活。只是后来,事情似乎与她原先想的不一样了。哎,那个顾总裁,你忘记你的女主角了。喂,这位萧助理,我好像有一点喜欢你。女主角那是我的男主,还有我的白月光!!!1w0-102073 >>
内容简介:原来我是男神的白月光是由九紫曦所写的都市言情类小说,本站提供原来我是男神的白月光最新章节阅读原来我是男神的白月光全文阅读原来我是男神的白月光免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现原来我是男神的 白月光更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-70099 >>
内容简介:作品简介(文案):暗恋上一个男生,以为清冷禁欲。没想到是个做不够的色情狂。蒋灵许了个愿,希望林清凯总能想她。后来,她的愿望实现了。不过差了一个字,林清凯每天每夜地总想操她。其他作品:无 1w10222-74363 >>
内容简介:某天,穿越数年的林辰,终于迎来了自己的金手指……一款修仙模拟器!【是否开启模拟?】林辰:“是。”【第一天,你死了。】林辰:“???”【一个时辰过去了,是否再次进行模拟?】林辰:“……是 。”【第一天,你走出道观,来到山上,偷偷观察着山腰下的道观……你死了。】林辰:“…原来,是这么用的吗?”【一个时辰过去了,是否进行模拟?】林辰:“是!”【第一天各位书友要是觉得《模拟修仙:我能固化天赋》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-73084 >>
内容简介:不演渣受就会死是佐润创作的经典的小说作品不演渣受就会死小兵提供不演渣受就会死最新章节全文免费阅读,不演渣受就会死下载,不演渣受就会死全文字更新,不演渣受就会死无弹窗!请关注不演渣受就会 死吧,本站最新最快更新不演渣受就会死的最新章节。1w0-73849 >>
内容简介:穿越1862——新书上传,求多多支持!1862年的中国!提起它,人们会想到逝去不远的二次鸦片战争;想起火烧圆明园这种民族史上的永久伤痕;想到日暮西山的太平天国,还有纵横中原,马踏黄河的 捻军!人类总会把自己的‘目光’倾注于少数的几件事身上,而在那目光看不到的地方,实际上也发生了很多很多精彩的故事!希望诸位朋友继续支持,急各位书友要是觉得《盛世中华》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-27443 >>
内容简介:今天的更新在晚上修真废柴徐朵穿回现代后不思进取,终日沉迷看小说。被天道一脚踹进年代文,成了书中大佬那作天作地的出轨前妻。生活所迫,徐朵不得不捡起半吊子修真,开始种田采药包参地,然后坐等 老公提离婚。一年过去了,对方没动静。两年过去了,对方还是没动静。眼见日子越过越富,他非但不走,还臭不要脸钻她被窝。徐朵终于忍无可忍:“你不是要回城吗?怎么还不回?”男人温柔地摸着她的肚子,“朵朵,这胎咱们回帝都养吧,咱爸咱妈早想见见你了。”徐朵:这和书中写得不一样啊喂!甜爽无虐,背景半架空,考据党轻拍另外,推荐一下我的预收文,《穿成锦鲤真千金》文案:黎锦穿越了,成了《百亿娇妻》里面的女配,一个被恶意抱错的真千金。亲生父母是当地豪门,把她捡回来养大的养母则是个住在贫民区的单身妈妈。一朝土鸡变凤凰,她却放弃豪门生活,选择留在贫民区。所有人都在等着看她的笑话,然而——穿来第一天,她妈妈买了个彩票,中了五千万。穿来第二天,她爸爸恢复记忆、带着几十亿家产找上了门。穿来第三天,她随手捡了个男人,居然是原书中男女主都只能仰望的大佬……所有人都真香了,哭着喊着要抱她大腿。各位书友要是觉得《仙门娇女在七零穿书》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-81516 >>
内容简介:【女强系列之沐槿】“我命由我不由天!”21世纪女特工沐槿穿越异世成为丞相嫡女,传言,她是千年前凰女再世;传言,接近她的人都没有好下场!她冷笑,凭借天生的驭魔能力,召唤魔王,手握乾坤,看 谁敢再造谣半句!他,虽然实力强劲,却因为生来手臂上的一块神秘胎记被人认为是不祥之兆,备受冷落,当他遇上她,当她嫁给他,一步步沦陷,并肩看天下!殊不知千年之前,他们却是不共戴天的仇人……悬崖边,簌簌冷风1w0-70047 >>
内容简介:穿越笑傲世界,苏平成了林平之,获得镖局系统。不断的提升镖局的等级,获得的奖励就会越来越强。辟邪剑法,九阴真经,北冥神功……福威镖局的大旗,插遍三山五岳,插在青藏高原,插在金帐汗国,插在 欧洲大地……有人的地方,福威镖局的镖车,就能送到。……黑木崖上,围杀东方,少年镖师,单人独剑,万众瞩目之时,拔剑上前,“别慌,你们继续,我就是护个镖!”1w0-70900 >>
内容简介:海贼世界,忍术万法,有我无敌。穿越到海贼世界,舒冥渊获得了只要杀死邪恶的海贼,就能够无限兑换各种忍术,体术,幻术,仙术的超级无敌系统。千鸟,螺旋丸,通灵术,八门遁甲,写轮眼,轮回眼,地 爆天星,尾兽……“赤犬,我一眼看下去,你的岩浆可能会被我的天照给烧没了。”“海贼征服大海成为海贼王,而我的梦想则是站在那世界之巅”——舒冥渊语录萌动江湖书友群561362210本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《最强海贼猎人》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-78843 >>
From Intercross: Collection of short stories: • Oikaketemo Chikazuitemo Even now, I still love you. And yet, before I knew it, you have become someone that I can't reach... When she was small, Uiko exchanged a promise with childish Mako that when they are high school students, if they become a couple, they will kiss. All this time, she hasn't been able to forget that promise. But now that they've become high school students, Mako is a popular guy in her class, and Uiko is a plain girl without any redeeming points. No matter what she does, she can't be honest to Mako, who already belonged to a different world before anyone knows, but...? • Santa Clause wo Dakishimete • 1000% Aisuru Kimochi • Suki Sugi Chatte Gomen ne Chikage has been dating Manato for 3 months, they've held hands, and kissed too and now finally Manato has asked Chikage over. Even though Chikage has mentally perpared herself, can she really take that important next step? • Aishi Kimi wo Dakishimete
From Sweet Lunacy: Who is the famous Rose Thief? Does Claude know who the maid (Christopher) really is? From a_special: The last scion of a fallen family enters a noble family's estate disguised as a female maid and must resist the amorous advances of his employer--who has secrets of his own!
In a city split between humans and occult, Colin Aston just wants to run his diner and make bad coffee. A peaceful life isn't on the menu though, as a mysterious blonde shows up with a job only Colin is capable of performing. If he takes it, Colin will have to face sorcerers, politicians, and little old ladies... not to mention a secret that destroyed nearly half the city and hits a little too close to home.
Soah is a lively human boy who dreams of becoming strong enough to defeat the Jotunn. He is also inspired by Thor, the heroic God of Thunder, who has patrolled around Midgard in order to eliminate all the Jotunns, protecting powerless humans, and Soah's friend. One day, after Thor returned to Soah's village for a short stay, Soah got captured by the Jotunn while he's training. Despite of his hesitation to attack the Jotunn because of the friendship they shared, Thor finally destroyed the Jotunn, but killing Soah as the result as well. Seeing Soah's determination, Thor bestowed all his Meging into reviving Soah, sacrificing himself. Several years passed by since the incident, Soah now is traveling out of his village along with three Meging weapons Thor left behind, in order to carry out Thor's will and protect Midgard from the Jotunns. ----------------------- From MangaHelpers: In this story of Norse mythology, humanity's world of Midgard is caught up in a war between two of two powerful divine races, the Jotunn and the Aesir. Humans can't stand against them, due to the godly 'Megin' power of the divine races. The Jotunn see conquering Midgard as the first step toward attacking the home of the Aesir, and they slaughter many humans along the way. The Aesir step in to rid Midgard of the Jotunn and protect the defenseless humans. One of these Aesir, Thor, made his home base in a certain grateful human town. In this town lives a young boy named Soah, who lost his parents in a Jotunn attack. He idolizes Thor and dreams of one day becoming strong enough to fight Jotunn and protect people. Thor enjoys Soah's childish enthusiasm, and the two of them share a warm friendship. One day, a Jotunn invading the town uses Soah as a human shield. Thor protects the town, but at the cost of the life of his young friend. Unwilling to let the strong-hearted boy die, Thor bestows his Megin upon Soah and vanishes. After much training, the now-powerful Soah begins to realize his dream, fighting against the Jotunn in Thor's place! [tethysdust]
The Seigneurs of Old Canada summary: The Seigneurs of Old Canada summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Seigneurs of Old Canada. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Dave Darrin on the Asiatic Station summary: Dave Darrin on the Asiatic Station summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Dave Darrin on the Asiatic Station. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Best Of Times summary: The Best Of Times summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Best Of Times. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Maids of Paradise summary: The Maids of Paradise summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Maids of Paradise. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.