简介【每周五更新】拥有失败人生的中年“少女”罗素素,进入妖孽横生的著名婚纱店NINA,成为性冷淡摩羯工作狂林佑恒的实习助理!菜鸟小白VS时尚名媛的虐恋,混乱的打怪升级模式就此展开! 欢迎勾搭微博:碎晓晓晓晓 QQ读者群1:858842328 QQ读者群2:723795848
内容简介:【【“甘当绿叶”千万征文大奖赛】参赛作品】追寻身世之谜的少年秦风,从一个平凡人到一步踏上修行之路。一场惊变,不得不离开生活了十多年之久了雪岩城。为了救治身患奇怪重病少女柳如烟的病症,他 踏上了征程。前路漫漫,少年步履蹒跚,一路猎妖兽,战强敌,前进的步伐从未停止。当一切拨开云雾见青天的时候,等待少年的,将是另一场的阴谋……1w0-26526 >>
内容简介:近代心理学鼻祖弗洛伊德将人的意识分为三个层次:意识,前意识和潜意识(又称为无意识)。佛家也有八识之说,基督《圣经》中隐约有三位一体概述。在我看来,眼耳鼻舌身意,便是意识;末那识,是前意 识;阿赖耶识,潜意识。圣父,意喻潜意识;圣母,潜意识与意识之间的过度,为前意识;圣子,显现于表象的意识。道祖说,道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物。微妙啊。真相远比想象精彩,现实却比想象悲哀。有阴就有阳,有阳就有阴,极阴生阳,极阳生阴,阴阳合而太极成,催眠的极致是永生。1w0-1117 >>
内容简介:万寿山,五庄观,一声尖叫划破了寂静的星空。“祖师爷,满山的灵气都消失了,那人参果树都开始枯萎了!”镇元子卷起袖子,操起拂尘,气急败坏的掐起法诀,打开幽冥之路,纵声跳了进去。“后土,定是 你那杀千刀的徒弟偷了我万寿山的山魂,今日,你定要给我一个说法!”乾元山,金光洞,醉醺醺的太乙真人正自睡的香甜,李哪吒急匆匆的闯进洞府,将这四仰八叉的太乙金山一把拽起,死命摇晃。“师父,山中灵气全失,护山法阵无以为继,那石矶娘娘正气冲冲的闯上山来,说是非你不嫁!”半醉的道人酒意全无,长大了嘴巴,手脚冰凉。“乐狮驼,定是你这混蛋!你害苦了我啊!”凄凉的哀嚎响彻乾元山。花果山,水帘洞。“大王,四爷他就在百里之外,咱们是迎还是拒?”一脸戾气的猴子握紧手中的铁棒,咧嘴冷冷的一笑。“呵呵,还敢来?小的们,穿好披挂,操上家伙,今天非打死这贼胆包天的贱狮子!”“大王,他是您·结拜兄弟啊!”“聒噪!莫非俺还要将这花果山山魂双手奉上不成?”“大王英明!这种败类,必须打死!”本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我是搬山贼》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-82796 >>
内容简介:白寻音初中毕业那年无意间被应激创伤,成了不能开口说话的‘小哑巴’高中第一年,她一直是在周围人的冷嘲热讽和歧视欺凌中度过的直到高二的时候,白寻音遇到了喻落吟他清隽,优雅,剑眉星目,是校草 ,更是全校女生的梦想但于白寻音而言,喻落吟是第一个护着她,对她笑,给她讲题,跟她一起吃午饭的人少年时期的暧昧来的汹涌而朦胧,白寻音高二那年的日记本写满了‘喻落吟’三个字白寻音不奢求喻落吟喜欢她,只是没想到高三那年,会在走廊拐角处无意中看到他的‘真面目’喻落吟清隽优雅的表皮下是斯文败类,他对他那两个玩世不恭的狐朋狗友笑着说——“小哑巴开始喜欢我了,打赌到此为止,陪着她早就腻了。”白寻音不会说话,可眼睛会哭。自那以后,她没给过喻落吟一个正眼。直到喻大少爷冷嘲,热讽,摔桌子,道歉,甚至自残各种方式都还是没用之后,他不得不单膝跪在白寻音面前,眼眶通红声音嘶哑的求——“音音,原谅我一次,这辈子不敢了。”各位书友要是觉得《痛症》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-29531 >>
内容简介:余岑被医生诊断绝症,没剩几天活头。余岑痛定思痛,自己这短短一生,还有什么遗憾?几分钟后。余岑:“……”太多了。没谈过恋爱,没考过第一,没赢过关之涯。前两项不是我想要,想要就能要,余岑决 定在最后一项下下功夫。于是……他在校长主持的校级大会上,和关之涯表白了。“关之涯!我喜欢你!你是电!你是光!你是人间的四月天!你是我唯一的男神!你是我们二中永远的神话!我超级喜欢你!我最爱你!!!”全场死一般寂静。余岑:爽。赢不了你,我可以恶心你。就算我死了,也要让你不痛快。余岑很得意。甚至得意地可以自然面对死亡。五天后,余岑还没死。十天后,余岑还没死。n天后……余岑:???为什么我还活得好好的?再回学校。关之涯:“听说你喜欢我。”余岑:“对不起,我失忆了。请问你谁?”学校包年第二的学神突然公开表白了,对象是包年第一那位。所有人表示震惊我全家。柏二的同学们以为千年老二被老大压久了伺机报复,就等着看老大怎么回击。结果没多久,发现他们竟然在一起了?!而且他们竟然意外的还挺配?!学神们都去谈恋爱了,有人瞄准了年级第一第二的位置。就等着看他们怎么双双从金榜滑落。结果最后发现,这俩人一路稳坐第一第二,最后一起去了北大?FineCP:勇敢向第一发起挑战·乖巧宝宝奶凶受永远被迫被第二挑战·高冷宝宝内敛攻我的世界一片灰暗,而你,如彩虹般绚烂。双学神HE1v1各位书友要是觉得《在全校面前和死对头表白了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w51607-97538 >>
内容简介: 九梨为了对抗主神,与冥帝达成了交易,穿梭在三千世界中找回冥王的碎片。系统:宿主,我们的任务是攻略男配!九梨:玩弄他?好的。系统:不是啊.....喂。———某男将九梨困在角落里,长指 漫不经心地勾着她的长发,似笑非笑:“听说你要玩弄我?”九梨捂着快断掉的老腰,直直摇头。刚想拔腿开跑,就见他微笑俯身,薄唇贴在她的耳廓,像情人般亲密呢喃:“梨梨乖,我继续让你玩好不好?”1w0-2831 >>
内容简介:被系统扔到古代搞传媒怎么办?收青楼、开传媒公司、培养艺人、搞报社。还有报纸杂志、广播剧、话剧、选秀、综艺全面开花!古代人追起星来也是很恐怖的!看着第三产业逐渐崛起,苏芃芃表示:基操勿6 。系统:宿主大大,您穿越的世界是小说世界,还有个女主立志要搞死你呢!苏芃芃:嗯嗯嗯?系统:哦对了!这个世界的系统宿主不止你一个,还有个不知是敌是友的家伙在观望局势呢!苏芃芃:???感情我金手指是最弱的一个!!1w0-29877 >>
内容简介:这是一部充满奇异大胆想象的科幻改运小说,500年后,地球生态完全被改变,为了帮助人类复国,一批低等的保姆机器人寻找到人类的种子,在外星人X的帮助下一起实现地球回造的计划。1w0-783 07 >>
内容简介:【作品简介】《娇狂》梦游异世,重回大祁的穆长华转性了,取军权开商路,通海贸改民生,她的世界,只能由她来注定。飞速中文网为您提供未凉创作的娇狂最新章节阅读最新章节:第一百七十九章:花宴( 六)1w0-124430 >>
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From MangaHelpers: After the body dies, the soul lives on. Many spirits progress toward the world of light, through the levels of the spirit world where they study how to improve their souls. These spirits are sometimes reincarnated into the physical world, and sometimes they are sent back as guardian spirits for other living people. Guardian spirits must protect their charge's souls from the blackness that oozes up from the world of darkness below. Riyon is a very laid-back spirit, who often skips her spirit classes to fool around. To train her further, she is sent back to the physical world as a guardian spirit. Instead of following a human from birth, she is helping a beleaguered man, the Japanese Prime Minister Kasuga Soichiro, in the last year and a half of his life. After an unexpected close call with death, Kasuga gains some unusual talents, including the ability to see Riyon. Will Riyon and Kasuga together be able to protect his battered soul? [tethysdust]
It's the year 2034 and high school student Sasaki Hiiro boards his bus just like any other day. Everything changes, though, when his bus is suddenly attacked by a mysterious girl with red eyes. When Hiiro awakes, he finds himself in 'Tokyo,' a city which was supposed to have been permanently sealed off after the outbreak of the deadly Pandora Virus ten years ago. Not only that, but it also seems like all those being gathered in 'Tokyo' are developing new inhuman abilities. Now, among the ruins of Shibuya, Hiiro and his friends must discover why they are here and learn all they can about the terrible Malicious Code that is running wild in their bodies before it destroys them all!
Tired after working all day long, the divorced (with kids?!) salary man, Saeki Ryouji was taken in by the incredibly rich high school student, Mibu Ryuunosuke, after having collapsed in the middle of the street. When he awoke, he was kissed by Mibu who said, “I like you,” at which point he realized he had been brought to a glamorous and luxurious mansion…!!! Even despite this astoundingly shocking development, the guilt he felt the second he rejected Mibu, who was on the verge of tears, brought Ryouji to…? Differences in age, differences in social standing, they are nothing but a bother. Are there simply too many obstacles to the love that has blossomed between a sheltered young Master and a pure and cultured oyaji? At the same time, the sense of duty an obstinate butler feels towards a forceful senior high school student, who is in a position of superiority, brings to mind the question, “Do you like butlers?” From Forever More
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The Poetical Works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning summary: The Poetical Works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Poetical Works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Simpkins Plot summary: The Simpkins Plot summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Simpkins Plot. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.