
































内容简介:广宗城里的一个小子,家中无权无势,卖了唯一的房产凑了点钱准备去衙门谋个差事,可钱也使了,职位却被他人占了,拼爹,没有;拼钱,没有;拼人,也就自己。无奈之下,他只好在大户人家打着短工供养 家中老母。有一次回家途中,偶遇一少女买东西没给钱,被老板抓着要送官,鬼使神差之下,他居然用身上那为数不多的钱替少女付了账。本以为少女只是自己的人生过客,没成想,他却稀里糊涂的成了张角的女婿。1w0-84498 >>


内容简介:侠义勤奋男友力爆棚大小姐x男扮女装顶级绿茶世子爷钟姚觉得,她穿越时一定是没充钱!因为她穿的人不但胖,而且丑。卑微懦弱人人欺,指腹为婚的对象还天天要退亲。半路捡了个貌美小娘子,当作BJD 娃娃般养着。小娘子软软糯糯,体贴又温柔,哭起来梨花带雨惹人怜,唯一缺点就是个子高了点,胸平了点。钟姚化身小娘子的护花使者,小娘子无依无靠,我打工养你!小娘子被人欺负,站我后面我收拾他!小娘子想帮忙做事,这活太累你坐着我来!本想养小娘子到老,一起手拉手跳广场舞。谁知一场意外分离。数年后归来,钟姚到处找她的小娘子。我小娘子呢?谁见我家小娘子了?这位英俊的公子,你见过我家小娘子吗?等等,公子,我怎么觉得你长得有点像我家小娘子?慕修宸一朝落难,不得不暂时男扮女装待在这个丑女身边隐藏身份。他内力尽失,柔弱可欺,不得不装的楚楚动人博取同情。哄的丑女把她当瓷娃娃似的供着。慕修宸:成大事者不择手段,本世子不觉有愧!手下:世子,你已经跪了一天了,要不起来歇歇吧?我以为我养了个娇弱女主,没想到竟然是个绿茶男主!我减肥变美,他换装变帅。小剧场:【掉马前】面对小强:慕修宸内心毫无波动,表面梨花带雨:嘤嘤嘤,好可怕,小姐保护我~【掉马后】面对钟姚手中的擀面杖:慕修宸腿软心颤吓的飙泪,表面稳的一批:没事,本,本世子不怕的阅读指南:1女主前期胖丑,后面会变美。2男主男扮女装时用缩骨功,身高只比女主高一点,而实际身高比女主高一个头。31v1,he。立意心灵美才是真的美1w0-34474 >>


内容简介:一觉醒来,七十亿人穿越废土世界。这里气候恶劣,资源匮乏,遍地都是凶残的异兽。但每个人类只有一座简陋的避难所苏明来到这里,意外获得生存系统。生存下去,就能获得奖励。【生存一百天】【奖励1 :养殖场→异兽驯化所】【奖励2:极品美女护卫】【奖励3:浮空堡垒蓝图】一年后。当其他人还在为如何填饱肚子发愁。苏明已经将避难所打造成了人类天堂。各位书友要是觉得《全球求生:开局一座避难所》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-25243 >>


内容简介:姜眠穿进一本小说中的同名女配身上,该女配共有四个亲爹,宠的她无法无天,最后结局被女主over了。幸好穿过去时一切尚未萌芽,姜眠决定和四个爸爸好好相处。一号亲爹:娱乐圈超高人气的顶级影帝 。二号亲爹:降妖抓鬼两不误的天师传人。三号亲爹:坐拥几百亿家产的真·土豪。四号亲爹:破案时犹如神助的冷峻刑警。等等,她只有四个亲爹,这个多出来的让她叫爸爸的是谁?1w0-2363 >>


内容简介:一个理想是混吃长生的人,穿越西游记里变成唐僧的故事。变成唐僧后,命运就像是已经被注定一样,可是他却不想受命运安排,做一个傀儡佛爷,于是精彩的情节就开始了。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《重 生唐僧混西游》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-72309 >>








内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者剑狂燕飞的经典小说:《剑上之臣》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说一声巨响,整个唐家堡似都在颤抖,许多无辜的唐家门人就不幸遭了殃。有人双手一抖 ,毒药配错了,一股悲剧的气息迎面而来。有人两脚一颤,暗器扔岔了,一阵惨烈的哀号不绝于耳。有人身子一晃,机关碰倒了,一众被压的工匠扑了满地。“新火药看来效果不错,下回可以再接再厉!”衣着精致的秀丽少女眯着狡黠的眸子,满意地审视试验结果。她,正是唐门唐二小姐,唐倾墨,与1w0-80995 >>


内容简介:她是齐国最可爱的小公主上官蝶舞,只因在出宫的时候遇到了年仅五岁的他楚冥远,看不得他被人欺凌,便带着他回了宫。如此,两人一起相伴着长大,青梅竹马,两小无猜,互相爱慕。然而,一个公主,一个 侍卫,两人身份上的差距,如同鸿沟,难以跨越,要想在一起谈何容易?爱情,从来不是两情相悦就能永远在一起。他们一直坚持不放弃,经历重重困难,最后是否能守得云开见月明,最终有情人终成眷属?1w0-95504 >>


内容简介:末世神医安泞死那一刻绝对料不到自己会穿进一本狗血古言小说里,更料不到,她穿进去之后,每天都在被疯批男主暗杀!……王爷:王妃死了吗?下人:启禀王爷,王妃落水后意外救下了小皇子,现在皇上正 要赏赐她!王爷:…………王爷:王妃死了吗?下人:启禀王爷,宫宴上王妃为皇后娘娘挡了一剑,皇后娘娘赐给了王妃一枚免死金牌。王爷:…………王爷:王妃死了吗?下人:启禀王爷,王妃代替白姑娘从城墙上跳了1w83186-83247 >>


内容简介:不负佳人不负卿最新章节由网友提供《不负佳人不负卿》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的都市言情类型小说,不负佳人不负卿由作家谢若汐萧亦辰创作,小兵免费提供不负佳人不负卿最新清 爽干净的文字章节在线阅读,主要讲述的是:大离王朝的圣元五年八月十五。这天,是个极好的天气,天空湛蓝,阳光和煦,照在人身上暖洋洋的。因为是中秋,宫里特地给各位大臣放了假,准许今日不用当值,可以回家团聚。1w13679-97216 >>

Princess Ni Propose

The happiness of the royal family of Edenbourg, waiting for a baptismal ceremony of the king's first grandchild, is broken by bad news - the king has been in a traffic accident. Princess Dominique runs to the site in search of her father, accompanied by the family's High Counsel, Marcus Kent, who offers to escort her. Her heart races, as she has admired Marcus since childhood, but he abuses her respect with harsh words.

Rozen Maiden

From Tokyopop: After a traumatic incident, Jun Sakurada refuses to interact with the outside world and return to school--he even shuts out his sister, his closest friend. Jun spends most of his time online buying spiritual items that are obvious rip-offs. One day he finds a website that curiously enough asks him to put his order in his desk drawer. Thinking it's a joke, Jun plays along. The following day a suitcase arrives containing a doll named Shinku... that comes to life before his very eyes! Welcome to the world of Rozen Maiden, where Jun must enter an all-new reality to protect and serve a living doll... In its continuation, the story starts with an older Jun, who is now a university student. While working at a bookstore as his part time job, he finds an unaddressed copy of the first issue of a weekly magazine 'How to Make a Girl' containing a spring. He brings it home, and soon starts receiving further issues of the magazine by post, each issue having one part of a doll's body as a gift. One day, after putting much effort into assembling the fifth Rozen Maiden doll Shinku, he receives a notification that the publication has been cancelled, leaving him with an incomplete doll. Suddenly, he receives a mysterious text message from his old number, claiming to be the Jun Sakurada asking for help against the seventh Rozen Maiden doll Kirakishou...

Cloth Weaver

'Long, long time ago... God descended down to the world engulfed in darkness. With the threads made from sheep's wool, He created one wondrous piece of cloth, gave rise to another world. That world is known as 'Divine Cloth'.' is the legend that was told from generation to generation. Beneath the Earth, Divine Cloth, is the world engulfed in darkness. There lives the creatures that were sealed by God known as Bugs. Frequently, Bugs will plunged out to the world, creating holes on Divine Cloth. To fix these holes and reseal the Bugs beneath the ground, a young man and a woman, Ryle and Marino then set out on their journey.

Kinku - Don't Say "i Love You"

A collection of one shots Don't Say 'I Love You' Shizuka had just lost her only parent, her mother, due to a car accident. A young man, Yuuichi, rushed to the hospital and declared that he's Shizuka's step-father. That was their first encounter. The two started to live together, yet Shizuka realized that she was seeing Yuuichi as a man instead of as a father. And Yuuichi was too...in order to prevent the forbidden relationship, Yuuichi decides to leave home, and...!? Snow Falling Honjou Nao is known as a player and on Valentine's Day he kisses every girl who gives him chocolates. Furuya Wakaba wants to date someone she loves and loves her back not just some guy who wants to date casually. Furuya hates Honjou Nao because of his playful personality. On Valentines Day, she goes to the infirmary only to find a half naked Honjou Nao on the bed! Let Me Feel You Yuina has been going out with her boyfriend Yuuya for half a year already. One day Yuuya calls Yuina sexually frigid. Yuina becomes depressed and when a strange man approaches her, she goes along with him. Just before Yuina was about to do something she would regret, Hiroto comes and kicks the strange man in the head. Yuina becomes attracted to Hiroto's presence follows him to a club he's dancing in. They meet Yuuya along the way to the train station and there, Hiroto gives Yuina the kiss of her life! Lustful Lover Kazumi whose father is rich wakes up kidnapped. She's been cuffed and chained to a room. The kidnapper says that he will let her go only if she says 'Please Hold Me' to him. Every night the kidnapper brings home a woman and makes love to her right in front of the door of the room where Kazumi is chained in. Kazumi becomes sexually aware of him and soon succumbs to him. Omake (Love Prisoner and author's comments) A six pages short sequel to Lustful Lover, what happens to Kazumi when she meets her kidnapper again.

The Fairy School of Castle Frank

The Fairy School of Castle Frank summary: The Fairy School of Castle Frank summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Fairy School of Castle Frank. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Paladin Order Reformed

The Paladin Order Reformed summary: Christian is an orphan raised from birth by a the Paladin Order. He trains hard to become someone worthy of wearing the t.i.tle 'Paladin Knight'. He becomes exceptionally strong and quickly rises through the ranks of the Order. But after slaying countless demons, beastmen and other 's, he becomes emotionally numb to cope with the countless lives he 's taken. This is until he saves a beast girl from...

If Only etc.

If Only etc. summary: If Only etc. summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of If Only etc.. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Guilty Thing Surprised

A Guilty Thing Surprised summary: A Guilty Thing Surprised summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Guilty Thing Surprised. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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