简介 布桐,作为当红影后,十亿男人的梦想,居然被未婚夫绿!了!呵,可恶历思源,贪图我布家财产,还妄想送我一片草原,休怪我励志做你的小婶婶! 厉景琛,放眼帝都最尊贵的人,我布桐嫁定了!
内容简介:啥,你说知识是第一生产力,没毛病。3028年,人类历史经历了一个大的断代,开启了全民创造世界时代,知识通过创造产生,再通过互相吞噬凝聚,血腥的黑暗森林时代还在延续……如果您喜欢全民打造 世界,别忘记分享给朋友作者:雍洋所写的《全民打造世界》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-83428 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:隋唐:开局从乌江签到】觉醒神级签到系统,开局就在乌江造反!舍得一身剐敢把皇帝拉下马,攻打江都生擒如意公主,北上中原占据东都洛阳。扫灭天下各个势力,鏖战李二父子 全家,大战瓦岗寨众人。从此,内外诸夷凡敢称兵者皆斩,突厥高句丽倭国成为历史尘埃。李世民:“无耻反贼,还我长孙无垢。”杨广:“从平民逆袭到帝王,简直不可思议。”李渊:“阻碍李家夺取江山的搅局者,偏偏宝贝女儿不得不嫁给他。”士族:“就是一泥腿子,凭什么制裁我们这么高贵的血统。”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-70787 >>
内容简介:武朝末年,岁月峥嵘,天下纷乱,金辽相抗,局势动荡,百年屈辱,终于望见结束的第一缕曙光,天祚帝、完颜阿骨打、吴乞买,成吉思汗铁木真、札木合、赤老温、木华黎、博尔忽、博尔术、秦桧、岳飞、李 纲、种师道、唐恪、吴敏、耿南仲、张邦昌,忠臣与奸臣的较量,英雄与枭雄的博弈,胡虏南下,百万铁骑叩雁门,江山沦陷,生灵涂炭,一个国家与1w382-30442 >>
内容简介:人人视为恶棍,被家族当成替代品的无情出卖,死于高人掌下已达七日的少年,青林,天现异象之际,诡异的从坟墓里爬出,才现自身修为一点点持续倒退,记忆全失,巧得魂海中意外多出一颗珠子,内有神秘 功法,从此少年命运逆改,修得龙骨剑灵,以一人一剑杀出世界桎梏,以至于东方神龙与西方恐龙一次次的惊世对决,悄悄点燃,,,1w0-72901 >>
内容简介:《蜀山剑侠传》是还珠楼主最有名的代表作,也是篇幅最长的一部,达五百万言,绝对可称为鸿篇巨著了,他最大的特点就是将神魔和武侠完美的结合起来,在中国的文学发展中,真正的武侠小说是从唐代的传 奇小说开始的,产生了著名的虬髯客,聂隐娘、昆仑奴等侠客,后来经过宋元两代的过渡,到明代出现了著名的《水浒传》,将侠文化推向一个高峰,清代的武侠出现了新的发展,渐渐分离出奇幻和技击两派,前者以《七剑十三侠》等为代表,他发扬了唐代的武侠风格,主角是神秘的仙佛式的人物,他们的技巧也是各种法术和能够杀人千里之外的飞剑法宝。后者则有《七侠五义》,《永庆升平全传》等著作,在这里人物都是尘世间的侠客,他们的本领也只是客观的十八般武艺而已。晚清到民国的时候,出现了王度庐,他的作品一般归为海派,开始了武侠的改造,将历史结合进来,描写也更为细腻。而民国时期真正的武侠高潮的到来,则是因为还珠楼主和他的蜀山剑侠传。本作也是后世修真类小说的鼻祖。1w7485-100455 >>
内容简介:医婿叶凡医婿叶凡小说阅读都市言情类型小说医婿叶凡由作家一起成功创作作者官方公众号:一起成功V(微信号:YQCG1010)窝囊废物的上门女婿叶凡,无意中得到太极经和生死石的传承,自此开始 了不一样的人生,他医术救美,武道杀敌,不仅横扫他人的轻视和嘲笑,赢得娇妻的芳心,更是站到了这世界的巅峰,睥睨天下。小兵提供医婿叶凡最新章节医婿叶凡最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w1340-76991 >>
内容简介:宁暖暖被自己的亲姐姐所欺骗,不仅丢了清白之身还被抢走了刚刚出生的孩子。幸而还有两个宝宝没有被发现,她带着孩子逃到国外。等她终于准备好了回来复仇时,终于见到了她的另外两个宝宝,但他们的爸 爸竟然是那夜的那个男人……1w63804-67345 >>
内容简介:预收文《有生活系统后我暴富了》文案在下方,正文文案如下:沈玉姝穿成了甜宠文里面白莲花女配的早死娘。看着眼前亭亭玉立的少女傅青璇娇俏地喊自己娘,沈玉姝心都化了。这是自己心心念念的女配,最 意难平的角色啊。趁着少女现在还没跳入渣男主的火坑,她一定要让眼前少女成为全京城最幸福的女子,帮她挑一个翩翩少年郎,平安喜乐过完一生。系统:宿主,我会帮你的!沈玉姝:……这,好,那就一起发家致富,给乖女儿挑夫君去!系统:“叮咚,让傅青璇幸福感5,奖励火锅制作图纸一份。”“叮咚,让傅青璇幸福感10奖励精致珠钗图样五份。”“叮咚,让傅青璇幸福感15,奖励……”于是傅家人发现原本久病在床的三房太太身体好了,还经常带着女儿到处跑。听说沈玉姝要去开店,众人不屑:好好的高门主妇不当,干这种末流事!一个个都等着看沈玉姝笑话。三个月后,京城多了家火锅店、珍宝轩、绸缎庄……顾客都排队排出京城城门外了。众人:真香,怎么办?买不到了?某天,沈玉姝正在给傅青璇挑这京城儿郎。突然外面丫鬟跑进来:“夫人,将军,将军他回来了!”沈玉姝惊坐起:什么?傅远回来了?那个在原著中早早死在战场上的丈夫?傅远进门:“夫人,许久未见,可是不认识我了?”——预收《有生活系统后我暴富了》——赵静婉一朝醒来成了赵家村最好吃懒做的婆娘,屋里乱糟糟,崽儿脏兮兮,家里的米缸也空了。幸运的是,她之前玩的生活小游戏也跟过来了。“叮咚,扫一次地奖励半斤米。”“叮咚,擦一次桌子奖励半颗大白菜。”“叮咚,洗一件衣服奖励一小块红烧肉。”“叮咚,帮小崽崽洗一次澡奖励一个小镜子。”赵家村的人发现,村里那个最懒的婆娘赵静婉最近爱干净了,屋里变得亮堂堂的,崽儿也穿上白净的衣裳,家里时常飘出浓厚的肉香味。赵静婉家富了起来。出门在外长途贩运的赵晋升心急地赶回来,本以为自家的米缸已经空了,自家婆娘和儿子肯定得饿坏了,打开门一看:自家婆娘正吃着热腾腾的米饭,儿子正啃酱猪蹄子。赵·疑惑·晋升:这世界是玄幻了么?总以为自家很穷要努力赚钱的赵晋升×每天干干小活莫名其妙富起来的赵静婉。推一下专栏《网红古代养娃发家记》,已完结,小可爱们可以看看。1w0-81400 >>
Hinazato Tsugumi, a normal girl, accidentally got picked as Miss Madonna for the Shiratori Girls School, a very select girls high school for the rich. Anyways, so now Tsugumi, a girl from a middle class background is attending Shiratori and trying to adjust to being the centre of attention amidst all of these high-class people. Of course, she's not ashamed of her background, she's very high-spirited and cheerful. Takaomi, a slacker from the private boys' school next-door, is exactly the opposite-apathetic, and always napping outside. How will they deal with each other?
Kyou has fallen in love for the first time in his life. There's just one problem--the girl he's in love with only has eyes for someone else: her straight best friend. Throw in a father who runs a drag bar, a goofy best friend, and an unexpected plot twist, and you have a story that blends realism, humor, and poignant drama.
Meet Kazahaya and Rikuo. By day, they are two ordinary workers at the Green Drug pharmacy; by night, their boss has them filling 'special prescriptions' for clients with ailments that can't be cured using ordinary elixirs. Note: The original series went on hiatus for many years, and has only recently been picked up again. The continuation is 'Drug and Drop' and picks up where the original series left off.
Sequel to Crossbone gundam. Unlike the other two episodes of the 'crossbone saga' this volume focuses on several short stories that don't have such a great effect over the jupiter war. While the book itself is not meant to be comedy, but the 'character' of the stories is (generally) much less serious than either the first or the third part of the crossbone series. The stories are pretty varied in both, placing and characters. Due to that the series is actually decently strong in the cameo department.
Toaru Jihanki no Fanfare summary:
Toaru Jihanki no Fanfare is a Toaru Kagaku no Railgun mini-novel by the author of the Baccano! and Durarara!! series, Narita Ryohgo. It was included with the special edition of the Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Volume 05 as part of the Pseudepigrapha Railgun artbook.
Misaka Mikoto finds herself fighting against the Rank 7 Level 5 of Academy City, Sogiita Gunha. However, a young girl turns out to be the culprit behind their unprepared display of abilities: a primary school student named Kihara Nayuta.
One of the 28th summary: One of the 28th summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of One of the 28th. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Master Of Science And Technology summary: The flicker and a lonely soul named Ye Zan came to the world that seeks immortality through civilization progress. He thought that he could enlighten everybody, but nowadays people are neglecting it. The remnant soul even named itself “The lonely soul of Dao Zu’- but still could not find the body that was ready to incarnate it. “Well’ it thought, “ I still have technologies!”. Do I need to master anything? SO EASY! I could just surf it on the internet. Do I want to be a genius? SO EASY! I Just need to get some genes of genius. Do I want to go around the world? SO EASY! I just need to launch my own satellite! Everything is SO EASY here! -Alchemy, refining, magic symbols, different lifestyles- with the help of technology, they are SO EASY! Technologies are not a panacea, but technologies can make life better, so Ye Zan decided to put down his roots in this weird place. Science and technology can strengthen the country, science and technology can also strengthen the spirit, Watch the journey of a lonely wandering soul under Ye Zan’s control and witness- what it takes to become a real master of science and technology.
Waking the Dead summary: Waking the Dead summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Waking the Dead. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.