








类别搞笑 治愈 奇幻 幽默 鬼怪 冒险热血










类别热血 玄幻 动作






类别都市 恋爱 少女 总裁








内容简介:大佬文清一被文家人找了回去,在文家人的心里,丢失了十多年的小公主,如今依然是他们手掌心里捧着的小公主,甚至在往后的岁月里,他们还要将缺失的这十多年的宠爱补回去。然而慢慢的文家人却发现, 他们以为的小公主,早就蜕变成为了女王,不仅自身能力强,还能给整个文家做靠山!享受被文清一带飞的文家人,怎么也没有想到,徐曦的出现,会令她那么快的陷入爱情……1w19151-25476 >>


内容简介:遇到七爷前,秦暮晚是个被父亲丢到乡下,不被重视的弃女。遇到七爷后,她成为云城无数名媛千金羡慕嫉妒恨的对象。七爷宠妻无度,是个妻管严。好友邀他聚会,他说:暮晚不让我喝酒。客户请他吃饭,他 说:老婆在家等我。秦暮晚怒了:我从没这么说过!婚后每晚被迫营业,还要背锅,她太难了!1w16063-25309 >>


内容简介:阅书屋提供蝶之灵写的御姐江湖最新章节御姐江湖是蝶之灵的最新作品,本站可以免费阅读御姐江湖的VIP章节ampampampampampamplthrampampampampampampgt ampampampampampampltfontsize3ampampampampampampgt【简介】某知名网络作者的作品《名剑》被改编成网络游戏,《名剑Online》一经面试便风靡全国,闲着无聊的作者本人亲自跑去游戏里体验所谓的“江湖”,结果他遇到了一个个性十足的女人。他又好奇心害死猫,认了她当师父。她作风很变态、她性格很豪迈、她是传说中最难驯服的御姐某人决定挑战自我去驯服这位姑娘,经过各种腹黑手段坑蒙拐骗,终于把师徒关系扭转成了夫妻关系,结果某人却悲剧地发现,有一个如此牛X的老婆真的压力很大——“杀我做什么?”“是你老婆先杀的我!”“……”家有母老虎,出门需谨慎!第一时间系列第三部,祁娟的故事温柔腹黑男VS傲娇女王,轻松无虐小白甜文一篇。晚上8点定时更,请放心蹲坑ampampampampampampltfontampampampampampampgtampampampampampamplthrampampampampampampgt同系列姐妹文——ampampampampampampltad1469663title祁娟的故事ampampampampampampgtampampampampampampltIMGsrcampampampampampltimgsrcampampampampampquotampampampampltimgsrcampampampampquotampampampampquotborderampampampampquot0ampampampampquotampampampampgtampampampampampquotborderampampampampampquot0ampampampampampquotampampampampampgtwidth120height168border0ampampampampampampgtampampampampampampltaampampampampampampgtampampampampampampltad472870title卫楠的故事ampampampampampampgtampampampampampampltIMGsrcampampampampampltimgsrcampampampampampquotampampampampltimgsrcampampampampquotampamp >>


内容简介:杨暖暖穿书了,穿进了一本古早的大总裁文里,成了同名的恶毒女配。恶毒女配代替女主角嫁给书中大反派,最后,身份暴露,被大反派给弄死了。穿书后的杨暖暖瑟瑟发抖,她要努力当个乖巧可人的小甜甜, 让反派大佬舍不得弄死她。可最后,剧情怎么崩坏了?反派大佬怎么辣么宠她?还跟她扯证了?反派大佬:“我把全世界都给你,叫老公。”杨暖暖哭卿卿:“老,老公……”妖艳贱货小甜甜vs阴鸷蛇精病大佬。1w0-70483 >>


内容简介:允相民国)是由十六郎所写的高辣浓情类小说,本站提供允相民国)最新章节阅读允相民国)全文阅读允相民国)免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现允相民国)更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-5616 7 >>


内容简介:  近日,特约记者对腾达集团总裁裴谦做了专访。腾达集团目前估值已达千亿级别,业务涉及游戏、互联网、数码硬件、文化传媒、餐饮等多个领域,深刻地改变了人们生活的方方面面。而裴谦,也被视为“ 绝世好老板”、“不世出的投资奇才”、“天才游戏制作人”,拥有“无为而治的管理才能”和“对行业风向的精确洞察力”。面对记者,裴谦大吐苦水。“我真不是什么商业奇才啊!”“我的成功,完完全全都是运气使然!”“我最初的目标,只是想亏光五万块而已……”看,商业天才的人生就是这么的谦虚而又低调。书友群:1064135703(新群)893157567(已满)1w0-147 >>




内容简介:“从今天起,你要开始拯救苍生。”他千辛万苦,横穿未来世界,便赋予她使命。“凭什么凭什么,一万个凭什么?!”没想到她愤世嫉俗,一万个不愿意。……2117年间,各种高科技各种逆袭功能,你造 吗?然而,这个安定的世界却被妖魔鬼怪侵扰,丧尸,怪兽,甚是大智若愚的魔界三尊……谁来降服?现看百变1w0-83523 >>


内容简介:银河奖最佳网络科幻文学奖得主彩虹之门最新作品————————一颗黑洞即将吞噬太阳,人类文明面临灭亡。为了延续文明,世界政府执行“火种计划”,派遣二十名宇航员,驾驶着火种号飞船,携带着人 类基因库及众多种子、胚胎、物资等,前往遥远的海王星外天体——塞德娜星,希望能在那里将文明延续下去。几十年岁月悄然流逝,到达目的地的时候,赵长星却发现,从冬眠舱之中成功苏醒的只有自己一人。在人类文明已经灭亡的现在,赵长星,是整个宇宙之中最后一名还活着的人类。因为某些未知原因而不会衰老的他,必须要依靠自己的力量,将人类文明延续下去。依靠人工子宫孕育新一代人类,建造种植基地生产粮食,建造工业区生产机械,建造综合基地容纳更多的人口,建造太空船坞生产飞船……赵长星坚信,小小的塞德娜星,一定能成为人类文明重新腾飞的起点。这无尽宇宙,浩瀚星河,必将成为人类的舞台。——————————这本书的类型,大概可以算是宇宙种田文吧,描述人类文明在宇宙之中发展的故事。如果感兴趣,请点一下收藏,再投个票,感激不尽!1w59048-100121 >>


内容简介:  穿越大明最辉煌的年代,  穿越大明最顺的继承人,  但是我的目光穿透六百年的历史,  现在的辉煌不是辉煌,  跟我来重新建立一个真正辉煌的王朝。1w0-3664






1) I'm Not Your Steppin' Stone Construction worker Sakai Kazuya is a 23-year-old man in love. Unfortunately, the object of his affection is the younger sister of Ezumi Masashi, an 18-year-old elite whose house he has been working on. In order to dissuade Kazuya, Masashi lies that his sister is only interested in high achieving men. Masashi offers to tutor Kazuya so he can pass his senior high school exams, but will Kazuya be able to afford his extortive price? 2) Tell Me You Love Me Masashi's classmate Saitou tries to get between him and Kazuya because he deems Kazuya as being an obstacle to Masashi's success. Extras) Break Time Saitou starts dreaming during class. A Day with the Stupid Couple I A Day with the Stupid Couple II 3) Lovely Kazuya insists on taking the exams despite the fact that he is no longer interested in Natsuko. He bans Masashi from seeing him till the exams are over but then Masashi sees Mogi Kousei pulling Kazuya's pants off?! (features Mogi Kousei from Kawaige) 4) Marshmallow Honeymoon It is summer and Masashi wants to go on a holiday with Kazuya but the latter has work lined up so he can afford the new air-conditioner.

Mahou Sensei Negima!

Negi Springfield, a 10-year old magician, aspires to eventually become a 'Magister Magi', a particular magician who, under the guise of operating under an NGO, utilizes his powers to help ordinary individuals. After graduating from the Merdiana Magic Academy in Wales, he could be delegated the job of teaching English at the middle-school, where his homeroom course consists of 31 daughters, each quite particular in her very own manner of Mahora Academy. The show details experiences and his time in Japan as he assists them in their troubles, attains approval and respect from his pupils, and confronts magic dangers from inside as well as outside Mahora Academy. Negi's main relationship is with Asuna Kagurazaka, room mate and his pupil, who dislikes him initially but after recognizes him as a friend and becomes his companion although all the women has her very own back story and character. He's also hunting for his dad who's called the Thousand Master. While initially seeming to be another romantic-comedy work featuring numerous bish?jo characters like Love Hina, the show, has advanced right into a mixture of sh?nen romance, fantasy, horror, action and comedy. Akamatsu said that he particularly wanted to do some thing 'different' from Love Hina. Negi himself is prepubescent, and several of his scenes with Asuna are unique variations of the 'awkward romantic scene' trend of harem manga, immediately defused and just played for laughs. Additionally, a lot of the girls are not unable to fawn over him in a childish sense with no expectations that are intimate in the reader [ study that is unique?] In maintaining this particular fashion, Negi himself is considered other typical male leads of manga as well as a comparison to Love Hina's Keitaro Urashima. He's hardworking, competent, and treated kindly, but due to his look and age (well below the majority of his pupils), he feels utterly non-threatening and finds it hard to be taken seriously as a teacher; several of his pupils handle him as a cunning little child, if not a playmate (or plaything)

Shinigami-Sama To 4-Nin No Kanojo

From tethysdust at MangaHelpers: Minaguchi Kaoru is nothing special. He's no good at sports or school, isn't in any clubs, and he's not popular. He has no friends and isn't even interested in any of the girls he knows. He's also teased due to the fact that he loves shoujo manga. Unlike the harem daydreams of his peers, he dreams of finding his true love. Unfortunately, a shinigami comes to kill him, simply because he's a 'forever alone' sort of guy. When he gasps out his intention of embracing life with his final breaths, though, she takes it back! As long as he follows through on his intentions, he won't be killed. To convince the shinigami that his plans are genuine, he declares that he will confess to the girl he likes, the very next day. Expecting failure with confessing to random girls in his school, he sends out love letters to four different girls. To his surprise, they all agree to be his girlfriend. Now, this shoujo-manga-loving guy has ended up in a kind of harem story, quadruple-timing four girls! Will he be able to stay involved enough with society to avoid an early death?


Hinagiku and Shogun are childhood friend. Shogun is one year older than Hinagiku. Hinagiku thinks that she has been troubling Shougun for a long time. So that she tries to avoid him for the sake of Shogun. Will Shogun be able to understand Hinagiku? -- Manga Updates

Tarnished Amongst the Ton

Tarnished Amongst the Ton summary: Tarnished Amongst the Ton summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Tarnished Amongst the Ton. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

April Fools

April Fools summary: April Fools summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of April Fools. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Missing Merchantman

The Missing Merchantman summary: The Missing Merchantman summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Missing Merchantman. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

What Led to the Discovery of the Source of the Nile

What Led to the Discovery of the Source of the Nile summary: What Led to the Discovery of the Source of the Nile summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of What Led to the Discovery of the Source of the Nile. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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