
































内容简介:主角是超级邪少何洁孙斌的小说何洁这些年一直都没有过男人,此时突然被孙斌碰到她这么敏感的地方,让她忍不住闷哼了一声。孙斌没想到嫂子这么敏感,这一声不仅让他心痒痒的。1w76829-834 64 >>


内容简介:  x疯人院爆炸,院长云中鹤穿越,29个天才精神病人进入大脑,使他拥有29个诡异天赋!加入大内密探卧底敌国,三年又三年,再不恢复身份,我就要成为敌国皇帝啦!1w0-108


内容简介:某一天,地球灵力复苏,人类开启了修真时代。但在修真50年的时候,一团红色的迷雾突然出现在了欧洲,无数的魔兽从迷雾中走出袭向了人类,欧洲就此沦陷。那一天,人们想起来曾经被野兽支配的恐惧。 洛天原本是一个没有任何修炼天赋的普通人,却在一次意外中捡到了一条神秘的小白龙,并且喜提成为大佬系统,开始了他的成为大佬之路。1w0-91860 >>


内容简介:“夏羽,我女儿真是瞎了眼,才会嫁给你这个废物!”岳母气愤道。“老公,你就一实习医生,不要再吹牛说自己是神医了!”妻子没好气道。“夏神医,您给予了我第二次生命,这栋别墅和上市公司百分之十 的股权,是我一点小小的心意,请您务必收下!”某顶级富豪感激零涕。“来自东方的夏神医,是王室最尊贵的客人!”某国王荣幸地说道。“前世,我没有实力守护心爱之人,今生,我必不负前尘不负卿!”——夏羽。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《华夏顶级医婿》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w60847-81731 >>




内容简介:人人都道甄好有一门好姻缘,虽是商户女,却在裴慎落魄时招他成了上门女婿,等到日后裴慎中了状元,后位极首辅,风头无两,她也一飞冲天,成了首辅夫人,盛宠一生。可只有甄好自己知道,裴慎捧着她, 护着她,把她疼到了心坎里,唯独不爱她。两人相敬如宾到老,直到死前,甄好终于后悔了。1w2698-80898 >>


内容简介:本书又名:《我就是喜欢往死里较真》《你可真刑啊!》《张三直呼内行!》陈风是一名网络主播。某一天,他发现自己的网络被蹭了,于是就改了wifi密码。可没想到,邻居大妈居然找上门,并且以孩子 要上网课为由,不仅要求他把wifi密码改回来,而且还让自己把wifi放在离她家近一点的地方。如果不答应,她还剪我网线?……账号被盗号狗盗1w0-105143 >>


内容简介:——纵你成仙,也逃不出我这一剑。她持剑,纵横捭阖,无数仙人在她剑下丧命。于是,好事者多名之曰:仙见愁。仙见愁仙见愁,仙人见了也发愁。后来,他们叫她“见愁仙子”。传闻,她有过一位夫君,曾 杀妻证道。“仙见愁”是个女人,是这浩浩三千界唯一一个不想成仙的修仙人。备注:1、日更;2、女主最帅;3、读者群:383408056;作者专栏作者微博1w0-4963 >>


内容简介:关于重生之养娃日常:穿越八十年代,可以忍,成为已婚妇女,继续忍,成为虐待儿子的亲妈,没法忍,儿子亲爹不待见我,不能忍!可眼下的她却也有个大问题需要解决,是关起门来过自己的小日子亦或是离 婚带着儿子另觅良人?这个问题值得咱好好思考!?【绝对宠文】ps:此文架空,无历史考据,请勿深究,如有雷同,纯属巧合。另文中一些数据均是陸陸个人了解,如有错误请多包涵。1w0-75558 >>


内容简介:吃土摄影师千愿发现了一款内测中的养成游戏。这款游戏互动性极高,游戏PV画风可爱治愈,可以给崽崽投喂美食、给崽崽奇迹换装、陪着崽崽一起长大,打着休闲不肝的旗号,瞬间捕获了千愿的心。而在下 载游戏之后,千愿才发现所谓的休闲治愈全都是屁话——主线故事看得人想要吐血,货币比例居然是十比一,在线一小时才能进行签到,一下线崽崽就开始黑化。……但崽崽可怜又傲娇,千愿一心软,就开始在游戏中捡垃圾、养鱼塘、开农场,过上了勤勤恳恳的养崽生活。一场军事叛变之后,天之骄子岑寒的生活一夜之间天翻地覆。叛国贼的儿子、没良心的白眼狼、又残又瞎的小废物,亲朋好友漠然疏远,欺凌暴力如影随形。他独自在漫漫黑夜里行走,被阴暗厌世的恶意拉扯着坠入深潭,直到身边终于出现了另一个人。不在乎他的阴郁多疑,陪伴他走过不幸,像是一个……张牙舞爪驱散黑雾的小太阳。文艺流简介:在大雪纷落的寒冬,岑寒拥有了一位神明。不敢亵渎,不敢沾染,只将妄念深藏心底。阅读指南:1男主残疾,会好。2双向救赎,整体应该挺甜的,但后期有几章离别重圆剧情!预警一下3半架空,女主在未来现代,男主在星际时代,私设如山,请勿考究4更新时间不定——————推文——————完结文:《在西幻游戏里玩基建》预收:①《昨日暗恋》:当高中时期的男神成了有恐旷症的小可怜②《成为偏执魔尊的白月光》:救赎火葬场③《治愈战损精灵后》:养纸片人搞经营,文案如下【疯犬变忠犬】2040年,《星际休息站》手游风靡大陆,身为该游戏忠实玩家的叶闻笙每日雷打不动地起床,兢兢业业地发展属于自己的小小休息站。太空中的旅客来来去去,休息站中的设施愈加繁荣。窄小的便利店被升级成宽敞崭新的超市,堆满营养液的仓库被热闹的餐厅取代,休息站特产太空温泉横空出世——在这段旅途中,叶闻笙还收获了一位美貌十级的精灵助手。那只精灵就像一只走进绝路的小刺猬,对每个接近他的人龇牙咧嘴,警惕地竖起满身尖刺。休息站中的小机器人惧他如洪水猛兽,叶闻笙却不在意他的阴戾,将他收留,悉心照顾精灵伤痕累累的身体。精灵彻底痊愈的那一天,叶闻笙本想放他离开,却看见那曾对自己恶意相向的脸染上了不自然的淡红。“……请让我留在这里。”他如此恳求。高高在上的光之精灵坠下天穹,被囚于暗无天日的牢笼里。被黑暗侵蚀的身体犹如破败的玩偶,浑身上下没有一处完好无损的皮肉。漫长的三千个日夜后,他终于迎来了一位主人。祂肆意摆弄他的身体,毫不顾忌他的尊严,态度轻蔑无礼,像是在对待一只呼之即来挥之即去的低劣野犬。西斐尔恨透了祂,在见到祂的第一面,便只想把那不能见人的面庞撕碎。恶念于被污染的土壤中疯狂滋生,他无时无刻不在想,要将祂生吞活 >>


内容简介:二十岁女大学生穿越成四岁娃娃,看她如何虏获皇帝的心和身。父女,高H慎入,简体繁体二版。亲们,全书完结要涨价的,喜欢的话要趁早看哟,谢谢支持亲爱的们,媚儿突然觉得前途堪忧,所以这学期,多 学了一科,忙,真的很忙,会影响更文的速度,希望大家理解。还有就是,大家的留言不能一一回复,可是媚儿每次看到留言都很开心,雀跃,希望大家继续支持。还有盗文的朋友们,我真觉得疲惫了,不知道说什么好了,媚儿写的辛苦,希望你们尽量盗的慢一些。Po币买来看的亲们,感谢,再感谢,爱你们。。禁止盗文,可耻!1w0-46922 >>



Tour Shangri-La

1) Tour Shangri-La Tour. 1 Hirastuka and Matsuzono have been friends since college, but Matsuzono harbors secret feelings for Hirastuka, but as the heir to the company they both work at, Matsuzono's step mother opposes any relationship (be it friendship or more) between the two. She calls for Hirastuka and offers him a choice - never see Matsuzono again or become the tour guide to a Shangri-La trip and all that it may entail... 2) Tour Shangri-La Tour. 2 Kanou has traveled the world and seen many things, but the one thing that has haunted him for years is the sight of his father making love to a young man. The image burned into his memory is that of the young man, whose body pulsated with pleasure, and Kanou dreamed of being the one giving the pleasure. As a present for beginning a career, Kanou is on Tour Shangri-La, where any dream can be fulfilled. Can the tour guide Asada help this dream become a reality? And why has Asada, who hasn't been a tour guide for years, decided to accept Kanou's tour? 3) Tour Shangri-La Tour. 3 Daichi and Housei are step brothers. What started as a biker gang showdown between Housei and Daichis respective gangs ends in Housei raping Daichi as part of a ritual punishment for the loser. However Housei isn't happy to leave it at just once and continues their relationship until Daichi escapes. Now Daichi is a Shangri-La tour guide, and it just so happens Housei is his next client! 4) Tour Shangri-La Tour. 4 Kashii would often visit a small cafe where Hiroki, a young cook worked and before long Hiroki began to yearn for Kashii's approval of his cooking. However Hiroki decides to take on the job of a Shagri-La tour guide in order to experience and learn foreign cuisine after hearing that Kashii has a 3 star personal chef at his disposal. Kashii finds out about Hiroki's sudden change in job and follows after him, taking the place of the first client - and his first request is that Hiroki become his personal chef for 3 days. 5) Safari Act. 1 Kazuki is a half-human werewolf, Akira is a legendary pure white wolf. They fall in love, but Kazuki as a half breed is considered an outcast in the tribe. One day the tribe tells him to leave so that Akira can get a real mate. Kazuki, recognizing the truth of their words leaves and takes on the life of a normal human, even becoming a teacher at a school. Yet, five years later Akira reappears in Kazuki's life. 6) Safari Act. 2 Story about a veterinarian and his love for a particular breed of cat. Satoya owns and runs the Satoya Veterinary Clinic alongside his adorable assistant Minami. After a customers' criticism over Satoya's favorite breed, Minami becomes quite upset. What's hiding behind his reaction?

Anbalance Lover

Shirafuji's feelings of physical intimacy between him and and a classmate, Arisaka, are piling up. He wants to know how Arisaka truly feels about him, but he doesn't have the courage to ask, without exposing his 'true feelings.' He is terrified of getting hurt, even a little, but now it seems that his love is about to lose sight of reality. Two couples from this volume have sequels in another of her works Agetai Kimochi. Arisaka x Shirafuji from ch1 here and ch8 in Agetai Kimochi. Eiji x Yuusuke from ch7 here and ch2 in Agetai Kimochi. Chapter 5 is hard shota content, and not scanlated for that reason.

Complex (Shoujo)

From Esthétique: Rin is tomboyish 14-year-old who lives with her grandpa in a small village out in the countryside. After her grandpa's death, Rin is obligated to leave her village to live with her mother in Tokyo. When she arrives, she discovers an amazing secret: her mother is not an office lady, but a famous model called Myu Suzuki! After one night of reunion, Rin's mother leaves to follow some guy to some foreign country without any notice other than a letter. Without any money to survive on (her mom did not know grandpa died), and the contract between Myu and the model company, what is Rin is to do?

Machina Angelus

1) Machina Angelus Yuya was all alone after his grandfather passed away. Then Kou, his childhood friend, who abandoned Yuya reappeared back in his life. Unbeknownst to Yuya, Kou has a debilitating disease that forced him to leave his side. So in order for Kou to see Yuya again, he decided to become a Machina Angelus (Machine Angel), a machine he founded! Will the single-minded determination of a genius create a miracle? 2) Angel's Oblivion Kento is living his first real romance with Madoka, when an accident ruins there lovey-dovey life. 3) Spicy Hot Life Osawa Takatoshi is alone, his father left the family years ago and his mother is deceased. Now, Death God, Black, arrives at his door with a ring in his hand and a desire to eat curry. How can a Death God and a human find true love? And if they do, will they be able to stay together? 4) God's Left Hand Chap. 2 Pgs. 53-60

One Piece - The Rise Of Uchiha Itachi

One Piece - The Rise Of Uchiha Itachi summary: Uchiha Itachi, a man who has experienced two lives and two deaths, he had lived as a human and also Edo Tensei. But he never thought that he would be revived a second time. Itachi initially thought he was revived through Edo Tensei. But He realized that he was still a human but Without Chakra. Fortunately he still has the Mangekyō Sharingan. Follow Itachi 's adventures in a world that is even worse...

To Tell A Tale

To Tell A Tale summary: Poems that tell a tale

Boys' and Girls' Biography of Abraham Lincoln

Boys' and Girls' Biography of Abraham Lincoln summary: Boys' and Girls' Biography of Abraham Lincoln summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Boys' and Girls' Biography of Abraham Lincoln. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Okoborehime to Entaku no Kishi

Okoborehime to Entaku no Kishi summary: Leticia’s father, aware that his sons’ supporters would rebel should either of the two become king, announces his retirement, decreeing his daughter instead to be his successor.
Without any political allies to back her, she gathers a group of loyal knights before her, forming her own, “round table,” before the day of her coronation.
Or, that’s how it should have been if not for the fact that the knights possessing of any skill have already been pledged to her father and brothers!

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