简介【每周一更新】 我是个面具人却喜欢上了男神? 什么?面具人不能谈恋爱? 面具人既是怪物又是变态? 那摘下面具后...我能不能谈恋爱? 读者交流群:669612702 欢迎您的加入~
简介“师父,为什么让我学医?” “因为你找不到老婆,让你学医才能多接触点女人。” 就这样,一身高超医术的刘子轩,第一次出城就遇到了极品美女,本想行医济世的他,却遭到多方刁难,且看他如何化险为夷抱得美人归!
内容简介:十六岁那年,苏枝母亲因病去世,葬礼过后,破旧的筒子楼下停一辆豪车。车上下来一人,长相斯文俊美,举手投足矜贵如玉,他说受他母亲所托,会照顾她到大学毕业。男人名叫宋斯年,二十五岁,性情温和 有礼。受他照拂那几年,苏枝不经常能瞧见他。二十一岁,苏枝大学毕业,想进娱乐圈,宋斯年知晓后,跟圈内顶流经纪公司藤蔓的老总吃了顿饭,苏枝便签了进去。之后,绝好资源源源不断递到她跟前。不出一年,苏枝一跃成为藤蔓力捧的当红花旦。圈内人猜测这个身世一清二白,从偏远小城市过来的苏枝是跟藤蔓老总有染,才能资源不断。只有苏枝知道,她如今所有的一切都是宋斯年这个男人送给她的。苏枝很感谢他,但她知晓男人不喜欢她。她也知礼,从不会拿私事去打扰他。二十二岁,苏枝喜欢上了圈内一个顶流,顶流名叫陆思淼。但陆思淼闯了祸,惹了资本圈,面临封杀。苏枝替陆思淼心急,思索许久,她第一次主动给宋斯年发了短信,想让他帮陆思淼度过困境。她不知宋斯年是做什么生意,但她知晓宋斯年在资本圈有绝对的话语权。那条短信发出去后,苏枝并没有等到回复,只是等来了一辆车。宋斯年要见她。那是她第一次进宋斯年的私人别墅,很大很空。宋斯年坐在客厅沙发上,长腿交叠,经过岁月打磨依旧俊美的脸微微隐在黑暗中,他问了她,“苏枝,你今年多大了?”苏枝说,“二十二。”他重复了句她的回答,嗓音很低很低,“二十二岁了,”她觉得他后面还有话,不过她等了许久,还是没等到后半句。很久之后,苏枝被困在车内逼仄的空间内,眼睛通红,承受着男人斯文却不容置喙的亲吻时,她才顿悟当时宋斯年没说完的话。小美人苏枝腹黑男宋斯年娱乐圈沾边。各位书友要是觉得《我的桃花姑娘》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-25472 >>
内容简介: “站住!你这个败类!”一个持剑少女,一脸冷冽。江云鹤看着面前的少女,笑容温和:“不知有何事?”“你这个人渣、败类,骗了我姐的混蛋!”“你姐是……?”“人渣、败类、无耻之徒!”少女大 怒。“感情上的事,哪来的骗?你还小,不懂。”江云鹤温和笑道。天际划过一道银光:“江云鹤你给我站住,今天你给我个答复,要不娶我,要不我杀了你!”“滚,他不会娶你,也轮不到你杀!”一道赤红的火焰与银光撞在一起。江云鹤脸色不变,冲面前少女轻笑:“我还有事,先走一步!告诉你姐,我很想她。”书友群9275464971w0-2355 >>
内容简介:江城有传言:颜家四朵花,颜汐最丑。不止丑,而且手段狠辣,有人说她心肝都是黑的,冠有魔女之称。一手搅乱秦、苏两家婚事闹得满城风雨,她被人奚落这辈子都别想嫁出去。订婚宴上,她被拒婚,他却当 众说:“我觉得,她是最好的。”后来,她果然风光大嫁。霍瑨深,金字塔尖上的人物,英俊成熟有魅力,江城名媛以嫁给他为目标。他却说:颜汐,娶了你,才叫真正的人生赢家。1w0-27628 >>
内容简介:2025年,当一群拿着刀剑法杖刚刚点出燧发枪科技的外星人从遥远的外太空来到地球喊出了“征服地球”的口号时,他们才发现这群连超光速都办不到的地球土著实力竟然强大到令他们望而却步的地步。那 一天,银河系诸文明才终于回想起曾一度被人类支配的恐惧,被诸神禁锢在海蓝炼狱的80亿恶魔出笼啦!地球文明终于获得了一系列“黑科技”,五大流氓垄断技术,宇宙大航海时代到来。看惯了无限、机甲和末日,不如来看1w0-30629 >>
内容简介:籍籍无名的大学生李轩在惨遭毒打之后,意外获得一款神秘的系统,能够自由穿梭于无垠位面之中,原本平凡的命运悄然改变。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《位面穿越之帝王之路》还不错的话请不要忘记向您 QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-75519 >>
内容简介:神仙都由人来做,人要成仙路漫长。一个凡人向仙人转变的进化历程。修仙境界划分:练气,筑基,金丹,元婴,化神。。。。ps本书属于慢热型,前期铺垫有些长。设定借用了《凡人》和《仙葫》,向忘语 和蛤蟆致敬!作者:老衲不能吃素所写的《火中金莲》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-44019 >>
内容简介:大领导的小女人:市长惹红颜最新章节大领导的小女人:市长惹红颜无弹窗大领导的小女人:市长惹红颜全文阅读雨竹月影的玄幻小说作品大领导的小女人:市长惹红颜最新章节已经更新,笔趣阁小说网提供大 领导的小女人:市长惹红颜最新章节全文免费在线阅读,大领导的小女人:市长惹红颜小说全集txt电子书免费下载。如果您发现本站的连载有误,欢迎提交指正!关键词:大领导的小女人:市长惹红颜最新章节、大领导的小女人:市长惹红颜无弹窗、大领导的小女人:市长惹红颜最新章节列表、大领导的小女人:市长惹红颜全本txt下载您要是觉得《大领导的小女人:市长惹红颜》小说还不错,请点击顶部分享按钮分享到你的朋友圈来支持雨竹月影吧!1w85758-95722 >>
内容简介:地师之后,拥有一把名为月牙之刃,闯荡江湖。特种兵之子,看他如何再写传奇,创造辉煌。地师不过承祖易技,他所拥有的不只是地师这个词,地师?特种兵?超级打工族?请锁上门……关上手机……打开电 脑……不要让任何人打扰你!静静地点击阅读这本小说,否则,你可能失去一次彻底改变命运,拥有美女,拥有一辈子财运的机会!这将是你生命中最重要的时刻!它可能影响您的一生,让您拥有万千的美女与财富,你的事业和人生将会出现魔术般的转变……已完本一本百万小说,人品保证。1w0-28926 >>
内容简介:穿越者大军近况如何?坐拥亿万位面的穿越者与上古天庭,红包哪家强?尚天马上告诉你!自从随手建了个微信群笔趣閣5200,他时刻都在连通新位面,从玄幻到武侠,从仙侠到科幻,从奇幻到历史,应有 尽有,看各路穿越者水群,抢各种异世特产红包,分分钟走上人生巅峰。什么,你说尚天只抢不各位书友要是觉得《穿越者微信红包群》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84932 >>
Summary by Manga Abyss : A collection of short love stories. One stormy day, a miracle happened when they were both at school alone. They exchanged greetings at the station while going home and kissed under an umbrella. They had the bullying of a painful love, which started with a kiss mark the teacher gave with all his might… At the end of September, after the last summer storm ended, I headed back to school. I wanted to transfer schools so I could forget all the things that happened. But while hurrying to school, I ended up alone with the person I love, Yoshii-kun. I’m sure this will be the last day that we will laugh and walk beside each other. I hope this moment will last, even if it's just for a little while...
Hinata is a student at a prestigious all girls private school and looks up to Tsugeyama Saki, the shining star of the school. As the younger sister of Saori, the head mistress of the school, Saki is the most popular girl at school with her warm personality, beauty, top academic skills and is pretty much the perfect girl. Hinata suddenly learns that her parents got extremely into debt, fled the country and pretty much left her out to dry. The headmistress Saori, out of compassion and seeing the Hinata's importance to the school, makes Hinata an offer to become a butler in return for providing room and board for her. Not having much choice, she accepts and is assigned to none other than Saki. Hinata soon finds out that Saki puts on a façade at school and is not the perfect girl everyone thinks she is. Source: MangaHelpers
In the Count series: Vol. 1 - Count 0 After an accident, Agatsuma discovers that he can see numbers above people's heads, numbers that indicate the number of lies the person has told. Due to this, he finds it hard to trust anyone. Until one day, he comes across someone with a perfect 0! Vol. 2 - Count H It’s the continuation of the one who’s able to see other’s lies, Agatsuma, and the super honest Misono. Even though they graduated from high school, young people can’t hold back their urges and still have tendencies to go out of control. As soon as they got careless, they ended up getting intimate at Misono’s school… But who would have thought that there they would find another person with the same ability as Agatsuma! How will Misono feel when he sees how elated his lover is over the discovery of a comrade?
From Ramsus-kun: Risato Arishima and Miko Nakura meet at a mixer - but soon find themselves mixed up in their own fair share of problems!
A Psychic's Scarlet Dream summary: A Psychic's Scarlet Dream summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Psychic's Scarlet Dream. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Charley de Milo summary: Charley de Milo summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Charley de Milo. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
I’ll Still Love You Even If You’re a Man summary: Mai Ding is a cute and goofy boy-next-door. An Ziyan is the cool aloof heartthrob whom everyone can’t help love yet fear. It all began with a misunderstanding – Mai Ding was bribed by his college roommate to find out An Ziyan’s s.e.xual orientation and An Ziyan had played a prank on Mai Ding in a rare moment of amus.e.m.e.nt, leading Mai Ding to believe he is bis.e.xual even though he is straight. Mai Ding had very little friends since young and wanted to ‘make his life more interesting’ by knowing people of ‘diverse background’ (i.e. An Ziyan) so he would have a cool story to tell his grandchildren in the future. And hence, a friendship which turned into more started to form between the two most unlikely characters.
Evan Arden: Otherwise Occupied summary: Evan Arden: Otherwise Occupied summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Evan Arden: Otherwise Occupied. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.