简介【每周二、周六更新】一位是全球最大的甜品集团的总裁易子航,另一位是亚洲知名连锁火锅店的大少爷关天霸,他们同时喜欢上的美食杂志小新人慕菲!慕菲虽然是新人美食记者,但是她却拥有所有美食家梦寐以求的极品味蕾,可以精确品尝出一道菜中的各种味道及用量!为了慕菲的归属两人决定用美食展开决斗。甜咸党各自披挂上阵,这次誓要决出胜负!(编:苏禾 绘:白菜 春风画社)
内容简介: 天降美娇妻,坐拥万贯财。因为一纸神秘婚书,本是一介小捕头的陈牧莫名多了一位漂亮媳妇,以及万贯家财。媳妇姓白,美若天仙。身边还有一位叫小青的娇媚丫鬟。然而某天,一个浑身 刺有金龙纹身的和尚忽然找到他,并告诉了他一个惊天大秘密——“施主,你家娘子不是人,她……是妖!”最让陈牧无语的是,不知从哪儿还冒出了七个头顶葫芦的精神小伙,声称媳妇抓了他们的爷爷。一时间,陈牧彻底凌乱了……——这是一个妖魍横行的世界,也是一个极欲极恶的世界。 本书类型:破案悬疑 (豆芽出品,必属精品!)1w0-1909 >>
内容简介:“伦坡先生,究竟是什么让你暂时停止创作了呢?”丽塔·斯基特的速记羽毛笔也停顿了下来,仿佛在等待着后文。爱德华露出一丝笑容,“因为,我答应了阿不思一个小小的请求。”速记羽毛笔则是这样写下 的“因为阿不思·邓布利多的极力邀请,所以大作家爱德华·伦坡应邀参加这将是小说界的一大损失,好在仍有他的弟子吉德罗·洛哈特先生”呵呵,当然是为了汤姆·里德尔那诱人的灵魂1w0-9992 >>
内容简介:西行淫记西行淫记h简西行y记银蛇肉色屋西行淫记西行纪敖灵h西行淫记by西行印记李花生悟空与观音艳记西行纪视频免费完整版穿越西行纪之系统妖僧西行记西行yin记银蛇西行淫记txt《西行y记 h》最新章节就在小兵1w0-66334 >>
内容简介:她,21世纪王牌特工,被家族遗弃的天才少女;他,傲娇腹黑帝国太子,一怒天下变的至高王者;她扮猪吃虎坑他、虐他、刺激他、每次撩完就跑。是个男人就忍不了!他只能猎捕她,宠溺她,诱惑她为他倾 心,谁知先动心的人却变成了他。——君临天下的少年,凤舞江山的少女,一场棋逢对手,势均力敌的爱情追逐游戏。各位书友要是觉得《神医凰后凤舞君临渊》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w505-4841 >>
内容简介:《全民领主:我有无数领地特性》【小说:全民领主:我有无数领地特性】全民降临本源大陆,坐拥领地,成为领主,参与万族争霸!部分领主会觉醒领地特性。“哈哈,我的领地特性是史诗级特性:比蒙之主 !”“我可以沟通地狱意志,召唤无数深渊生物为我作战!”“我的领地特性可以让我的领地内,拥有无数矿藏!谁能和我打资源战?”“我的领地特性可以拥有信仰神灵坐镇,士兵死后神国转生,作战丝毫不畏惧死亡!”……陆青看着自己领地觉醒的两大特性1w0-72546 >>
内容简介:穿越大唐,王子安只想当个闲散的富贵闲人,赚点小钱,弄点小菜,喝点小酒,吹个小牛,交一二……个红颜知己……你们这一个个瞎震惊啥呢?你们这一个个瞎凑乎啥呢?我真不想娶……额——长乐公主?… …那也不是不行……哎,我真是太难!1w1901-78174 >>
内容简介:本书原名《傻夫,你露馅了》正式更名为《何以念情深》:当我知道我要嫁给乔羿深的时候,其实我是拒绝的,我跟亲爹讲,我拒绝,因为虽然乔羿深眉目如画,身材颀长,比潘安还要帅上几级,身家更是我这 种小门小户踩着姚明肩膀都够不到的富裕,整个南城无人不知无人不晓他的大名。我顶着私生女的身份这么多年,亲妈昏迷亲爹不疼,恶毒的后妈还锲而不舍地各种使绊子陷害,本来以为可以脱离苦海远走他乡,却没想到恶毒后妈一纸婚书把我卖给了乔家少爷,乔家家大业大是没错,但这位少爷可是个二傻子啊,说起来纪家就我一个独苗,爸,二傻子懂个啥?嫁过去纪家可要绝后的呀!可没想到,自从嫁了乔羿深,我才发觉自己的人生就像加了特技,DuangDuangDuang走上了人生巅峰,不仅吃得好住得好,恶毒后妈见到我也得恭恭敬敬叫一声“乔太太”,连犯错都有人替我背黑锅,无数次把乔氏的生意弄得乱七八糟以后,大眼睛眨巴眨巴,“老公,你跟爷爷说,还是你干的好不好?”乔羿深笑眯眯从不拒绝,“好!”不过美中不足的是,这位二傻子少爷竟然是个披着羊皮的大灰狼,各种占我便宜不说,还……若初文学网支持第三方一键登录,包括腾讯QQ、新浪微博、微信、百度贴吧,实现极简登陆体验。登陆后可发言、投票、打赏等。《何以念情深》为若初文学网签约作者“荆离”原创作品,首发于若初文学网。若初文学网为大家提供无弹窗、无广告、最新最快的阅读体验,欢迎各位支持正版。《何以念情深》为网站作者“荆离”所著虚构作品,不涉及任何真实人物、事件等,请勿将杜撰作品与现实挂钩。1w0-72835 >>
内容简介:景阳记事开始就不知道自己父母是谁,只是知道当初被送到孤儿院的时候有一个足球在身边,除了工作外最喜欢的就是看足球,在玩fm游戏的时候不慎触电身亡,重生到一位意大利小伙身上,依靠前世的记忆 ,在2015年趁机收购了破产的帕尔马俱乐部,利用脑中的系统将球队从丁级俱乐部一步一步的将俱乐部带到巅峰。本书还会涉及一些娱乐综艺影视剧等等,喜欢就点个收藏吧(= ̄ρ ̄=)..zzZZ1w0-4127 >>
内容简介:为救母亲,她嫁给了最恨她的那个男人,忍受着一个人的婚礼。坐着一个名不副实的傅太太,不仅是个傀儡,还要忍受着他的精神折磨。他说这一切,都是她要还的账。最终,他爱的女人醒来,她的母亲去世。 伤痕累累的她签下了离婚协议,想结束这一段荒唐的婚姻,却被他一把撕掉,将她禁锢在了怀中。“林尽染,招惹了我,一辈子休想逃!”1w0-94309 >>
Takes place before and includes characters from another Yazawa manga - Paradise Kiss. From Anime News Network: Mikako dreams of being a fashion designer, so she sets her eyes on attending Yazawa Arts with her childhood friend Tsutomu. But, he looks like a famous rock star and attracts more attention than she'd like, especially from a popular upperclassman. Incapable of dealing with her own feelings towards Tsutomu, Mikako devotes all of her time to a new 'flea market' club she's created with her friends on campus. But, it seems to bring her more into contact with Tsutomu than ever before. Cameos include Yazawa herself and characters from her previous works. [From ShoujoMagic]: Ever since he was small, all the girls in the neighborhood have fawned over Tsutomu Yamaguchi, whose name came from a song and whose adorable face closely resembles the monkey character Monchichi's. Even back then, it was enough to make his friend and neighbor Mikako sick. Now that he's a little more grown, Tsutomu looks like the lead vocalist of Manbou, Ken Nakagawa (Midori friend/boyfriend from Tenshi Nanka Ja Nai; we meet main characters from Tenshi on market/fest), and that makes him even more popular with the ladies. But Mikako--now a trendy teen with modern sensibilities--couldn't care less. Or could she...? Gokinjo Monogatari is a sharp-witted and stylish slice-of-life story!
Oozora Mugi's boyfriend S&M club manager Inutsuka Satomi likes to tie him up! Mugi's loves him, and has gotten used to the bondage, so when his mother starts talking about wedding and grandchildren, he doesn't know if he can leave Satomi and have a regular life. But Satomi has his own ideas on how to keep Mugi contained...
This series is about a girl named Otome who's searching for love now that she has entered high school. But of course, finding love isn't going to be easy, especially if you have three delinquent boys who are your childhood friends. Otome explains to the boys that since they are in high school now, she wants to find love and fall deeply in love, but Tokio (one of her childhood friends) insist that she be part of his plan. He dreams of taking over the school and becoming a grand gang leader; he'll even let her join as the sub-leader. What is she going to do? As she sneaks away from the boys, she catches a couple of girls watching the most popular boy, Touyou, being confessed to!? Is this love at first sight? She decides to spy/stalk him... what will she find out? Extra 1 - The Boy Next Door (Tonari no Danshi) Extra 2 - System vs Freedom
From Echochi Scans: Isa is sick and tired of confronting his tenant, Hasegawa-san who is an author, to pick up after himself and pay his rent. With the second last of his tenant leaving, Isa’s suddenly stuck with a dilemma on whether or not to continue renting the place out or sell it. But, a visit to a local bookstore maybe change his perspective and bring more excitement to his mundane daily life…
Weapon Master summary: A cauldron, a secret forging method, and his blood created an ultimate weapon.
Underdog Versus Boss summary:
Feng Kai Ze and Da Tian Ting are childhood rivals.
Feng Kai Ze is the love child of a ruthless tyc.o.o.n. He resents his father for his mother’s death. When his father forces him to leave his mother’s hometown, he steals Da Tian Ting’s diary.
Da Tian Ting resents her mother for abandoning her and her father to marry her mother’s first love.
Unbeknownst to Da Tian Ting, her father’s friend betrays him by stealing her father’s invention. She believes her inheritance is from her father’s life savings.
Da Tian Ting loves her father. She agrees to marry her father’s friend’s son.
On the eve of Da Tian Ting’s wedding day, her fiance cheats on her. She cancels the wedding and breaks off the engagement.
When Da Tian Ting hits rock bottom she reunites with Feng Kai Ze. She doesn’t recognise the adult Feng Kai Ze. She thinks he is a handsome pauper and plans to recruit him as her wedding date to her ex-fiance’s wedding.
Feng Kai Ze recognises his childhood rival Da Tian Ting. Initially Feng Kai Ze wants to use Da Tian Ting to defy his father’s order for him to marry the daughter of a businessman who is blackmailing his father.
Feng Kai Ze and Da Tian Ting join forces to take revenge on the people who hurt their mother and father respectively. Blind by revenge, Feng Kai Ze and Da Tian Ting can’t see cupid’s arrow targeting their hearts.
Ryuugoroshi no Sugosuhibi summary:
The sky. That was the first thing that the young man saw. The deep blue sky.
“Without a warning or any reason I, Watase Kousuke, was thrown into another world. I killed a dragon and saved the n.o.ble girl Horun who was sent there as a sacrifice”
After killing the dragon, his power greatly increased and he was granted the chance to live in a different world.
Together with Horun, they went to the home of the Witch Alice to ask about this world. After learning about the events leading to Kousuke appearing in this world, they went to the city Bera.s.sen in order to test if he will be able to survive.
This is his adventure.
Shadowglass - The Shadowfae Chronicles summary: Shadowglass - The Shadowfae Chronicles summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Shadowglass - The Shadowfae Chronicles. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.