简介阳光正直暖男攻X美貌傲娇强大受 萌暖甜虐· 些许励志 童星出身的傲岳长大后被观众厌倦,人气出现危机,公司为了挽救这个超级赚钱机器,决定以他为中心组成一个偶像组合……组合新成员竟然是头脑简单四肢发达的运动员出身,然鹅……
内容简介:【【2017刑侦题材作品征文】参赛作品】女神老师他不放过,清纯校花更要染指,多情的欢场女子,风情的失婚少妇,甚至无情的女杀手,痴情的女鬼都拜倒在他身下他便是极品小天师,花都畅游,无所不 能游走在黑白间,傲立于阴阳界,阅尽三界美女,笑立于人生巅峰然而……1w0-97647 >>
内容简介: “我书读的少,你别骗我,咫尺之间人尽敌国的意思分明是说我站在这咫尺之间不动,可以一人之力毁灭一个敌对国家。”“可是,我记得,这句话的意思好像是形容两个人很近时,另一人即便背后有一个 国家都没用。”“假的。”百里青锋一剑平举,雷霆真气运转形成的电磁场爆发出庞大的安培力,推动手中超导体赤神钢铸成的神剑,以二十倍音速撕裂大气,将三百公里外一艘航空母舰射爆,火药库殉爆的火焰升腾照亮天空。“你看,我就在咫尺之间。”……一个无修真、无异能、无魔法、有一点点真气的世界,一个武者有文化的世界。1w0-216 >>
内容简介:天上掉馅饼,最美县花主动委身下嫁基层科员,这背后究竟隐藏着什么秘密?许一山出身农门,捡漏当了公务员,官场中尔虞我诈,生活中受人欺凌。他从不放弃,永不言败,从一个小科员逐渐成长为一方大员 ,最终抱得美人归。1w0-25302 >>
内容简介:一开始大家看了,都会以为男主爱女主。后来,连女主都觉得男主可能暗恋自己。再后来,男主周围的人都觉得男主爱女主。再后来,连作者都以为男主爱女主了。其实各位书友要是觉得《五月泠》还不错的话 请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-68382 >>
内容简介:表弟失踪,伙伴过世,同学遇难。连番的打击,让武秋生一蹶不振。直到有一天,他也有了同样的遭遇……ps,本书无限流,有原创世界和多位面融合后的世界,主要写国内的。各位书友要是觉得《位面大轮 回》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-95313 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:大唐:传承邪剑仙一念灭神魔!】李七夜穿越到大唐成为李世民的皇长子。出生之时。天地恸哭百鬼夜行被视为不详之兆关入锁妖塔!以李七夜的牺牲换来大唐国运昌盛!多年以后 大唐繁荣太平盛世。李七夜早已被世人遗忘……世人皆以为李七夜身死。却不知锁妖塔中李七夜早已传承邪剑仙万千妖魔将整座锁妖塔收入麾下!天下人负我我便负天下人!邪念若剑得道成仙我就是1w74305-75410 >>
内容简介:《暮霭凝香》简介:邋遢和尚叹道:“如果是自然而然的事情,那为什么位居高位的官员,深处百姓头顶的大老爷们,多数都是酒囊饭袋呢?”朱重阳一时语塞(江湖尘事)。邋遢和尚道:“穷苦百姓一生勤勉 ,种地做活养活这么多人,又怎么能说他们行事低贱呢?”朱重阳闻言顿时肃然起敬,他抱拳道:“是我误会高僧了,原来高僧是一位看破世情具有大智慧的法师,失敬失敬!”邋遢和尚讶然失笑道:“我算得什么高僧?算得什么法师?我不过是一位种花的邋遢和尚罢了(江湖尘事)。”朱重阳问道:“大师好不谦虚,令在下钦佩!只是在下想知道,一个粪水,怎的还需要搅和什么?”邋遢和尚说道:“什么事都可以随随便便地做,也可以全副身心地去做,偿若马马虎虎地做,什么事都做不好,一辈子就这么过去了(江湖尘事)。。1w0-32831 >>
内容简介:问:如何经营一家剧本杀店?江祺:简单。你只需要先有一家剧本杀店,然后让剧本杀里的人物出来给你当dm(剧本杀主持人),就可以正确经营一家剧本杀店了。最开始,江祺以为他是在玩经营卡牌类游戏 ,经营的店铺是剧本杀店。后来他发现其实是一家餐馆。一个带餐馆的大型游乐园。一个带游乐设施和餐馆的购物中心。一个拥有购物中心游乐设施和餐馆的度假村。江祺:?还有人记得,其实我开的是一家剧本杀店吗?游戏指南:1本游戏为卡牌游戏,任务失败不会有任何惩罚,请玩家以卡牌为主,任务为辅,努力收集卡牌。2卡牌最高可升至三星,请玩家努力升级卡牌。3本游戏自由度极高,请玩家自行探索。4一切解释权归游戏所有。1w0-85423 >>
内容简介:随着不存在的渡轮进入帝国海关,孤独的游魂开始学习如何在人类社会中生活。它曾接受过来自月光的善意,也曾倾听钟楼中无声的低语。它曾为了一个铜板疲于奔命,也曾为被欠薪的工人打抱不平。它的身边 逐渐聚集起了各种各样的同行者:以兽化病毒作为超凡之能的亚人、以月光为食的影子、来自遥远东方且手持王器的外乡人、精神错乱的占星师、只存在于电流中的幽魂、量子纠缠态的古神……以及平凡的工人。它见证着万丈高楼拔地而起,1w0-89849 >>
It killed the heroes, killed the king, the devil beast then found the “baby of fate”… Having both superior intellect and destructive power, such is Clevatess, the king of the devil beasts. Angered by the 13 heroes tasked to take his life, he decided to bring ruin on mankind but get entrusted with an unexpected nuisance: a newborn human baby. Is it the tale of a near-ending world close to the apocalypse or the diary of new era childcare?
From Friendship Scans Lin Zuning was recently dumped by his girlfriend. Depressed and angry, he rode his motorcycle in the rain. Speeding as he went, he was met with an accident and broke his leg. He thought that he would be stranded there before someone rescues him, but instead he saw a little girl. Her name is Yulan and she is an angel working under divine orders to cause such accidents. It was an encounter that would change both of their lives. The story revolves around the angel's three lives reincarnated in Ancient China - all in which she meets and falls in love with the same person, but due to fate, she can never be together with him. And so starts a bittersweet story between Lin Zuning and Yulan, as they slowly discover just how much their fates are intertwine together in their past lives.
From hazukashiikedo: Since middle school Bun-chan has been hanging out with the male/female childhood friend duo that is Choco and Suzu. And he’s jealous of their closeness—partly because he wishes he could just generally be as close to them as they are to each other, but he has another reason: he’s in love with Choco, and it seems like just a matter of time before Choco and Suzu start dating. Choco constantly denies it, though–Suzu is like his adorable twin sister. Nonetheless, Bun has never bothered getting his hopes up. And even if Suzu’s adorableness wasn’t a part of the equation, it’s not like Bun could ever tell Choco that he accidentally happened to fall for him one day when the boob-loving Choco jokingly groped his chest and Bun got aroused by it. So Bun is mostly happy with just being friends—him, Choco and Suzu forever! Or at least, that’s what he’d intended…
Naruse Kazuki and Koutake Haruki are on the advanced track of Seitoukou Academy. Though they are not connected by blood, these two whose faces are so similar coincidentally have their 16th birthdays on November 11th. However, on that fateful anniversary, the cogs of fate have begun to turn. A game involving both their destinies has now begun! -Please note the first set of chapters have been deleted at Entropy's request if you would like to read the please visit their site
A Tale of a Lonely Parish summary: A Tale of a Lonely Parish summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Tale of a Lonely Parish. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Ten Great Events in History summary: Ten Great Events in History summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ten Great Events in History. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
One of the 28th summary: One of the 28th summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of One of the 28th. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Heart Is a Lonely Hunter summary: Heart Is a Lonely Hunter summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Heart Is a Lonely Hunter. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.