内容简介:简介:惊!惊悚游戏最终boss他不做人了!别的玩家辛辛苦苦打怪通关,最终boss在……找男朋友,谈恋爱。别的NPC在兢兢业业搞业绩,挣低保,最终boss在……找男朋友,谈恋爱!宣宁鹤, 宣宁鹤他在被玄凌宣找,与玄凌宣谈恋爱。就是,这个过程有点……一言难尽。玩家们:打怪,通,通什么关,困难max,max,max,AWSLNPC们:弱小,无助,求求大王别抢我们饭碗!什,什么,加,加班挣,挣聘礼,好,好的吧。(弹幕:打工怪,打工魂……夭寿啦,大王也要让怪996啦)宣宁鹤:……算了,这么凶萌的怪,还是等别的玩家打吧,我装一下咸鱼。玄凌宣:跟我,我让你躺赢。(弹幕:最好直接躺进我怀里。)宣宁鹤:……我虽然装咸鱼,可我没真咸鱼啊。冷漠洒脱蔫坏受vs超爱演有病病攻本文又叫《论在惊悚游戏NPC(boss)弹幕下保持冷静的可行性研究》652791w0-111535 >>
内容简介:《欧·亨利短篇小说集》作者是欧·亨利,译者是牛振华。欧·亨利(1862年9月11日1910年6月5日),原名威廉·西德尼·波特(WilliamSydneyPorter),美国著名批判现 实主义作家,与莫泊桑,契诃夫共称世界三大短篇小说大师,曾被评论界誉为“曼哈顿桂冠散文作家”和“美国现代短篇小说之父”。他的一生富于传奇性,当过药房学徒、牧牛人、会计员、土地局办事员、新闻记者、银行出纳员,甚至坐过监狱,并由此开始了他的写作生涯。他的作品构思新颖,语言诙谐,以出人意料的结尾闻名,美国文学界称之为“欧·亨利式的结尾”;又因描写了众多的人物,富于生活情趣,被誉为“美国生活的幽默百科全书”。本站提示:如果觉得《欧亨利短篇小说集》还不错,请不要忘记向您朋友推荐哦!1w0-80901 >>
内容简介:本文女扮男装,双强爽文,欢迎跳坑!“他”,曾是慕家最耀眼的天才,人人艳羡,不可追赶。“他”,也是慕家最耻辱的存在,筋脉尽毁,沦为废人!从云端跌落尘埃,被家族驱逐,受尽欺凌!殊不知凤凰涅 槃,浴火重生!一朝觉醒,天地震荡!翻手为云,覆手为雨,凝元力,炼神体,契神兽,汇星辰之力,掌天下乾坤!慕家三少,绝世风姿,更是引得无数人疯狂追逐!当站在最高的位置,众人仰望,方知——“他”,竟是她!他,背景神秘,实力莫测,清绝卓然,骄傲至极,却唯独对那一人,放不下,舍不得。千万人追随他,而他,只追随那一人!那颗绝世明珠,唯我——捧于掌中!绽放万千光华!片段一:慕三少笑眯眯:“云少主,不好意思,这一次,本少又抢在你前面了,这神兽丹…”云翊波澜不惊:“归你。”慕三少笑意更浓:“云少主真是好气魄。那咱们一同找到的这元神液…“云翊凤眸微垂:“归你。“慕三少笑的合不拢嘴:“云少主当真豪杰!虽说这上古神诀乃是你先找到,但本少也出力…”云翊眸色深深:“归你。““凡是你想要的,只要我有,便都归你。”慕三少笑容一滞。“不过…“不待慕三少反1w0-4992 >>
内容简介: 新书《大宋明月》上传,求支持,求推荐票,求收藏,求打赏! 给我一个姑娘,我创造不了一个民族;给我一块木头,我能瞬间制造出一把连弩。 兵甲系统在手,三国天下我有! 并州狼骑又如 何?且看我三千铝盔铝甲的白马义从如何马踏天下! 河北先登又如何?且看我怒锋营手执钢制弹簧连弩如何荡净九州! 江东水军又如何?且看我装备连发火炮的幽燕车船如何纵横四海! …… 醉卧美人膝,醒掌天下权,穿越成公孙瓒庶子公孙白,起于幽州,席卷天下。 本书书友裙号:3-1-3-0-5-6-1-5-9,欢迎大家前来吹牛打屁。 PS:铝盔铝甲指的是超硬铝合金,性能不亚于普通钢材的那种,勿以此吐槽,拜谢!1w0-4563 >>
内容简介:本文设有防盗,不高,望周知。预收红楼穿成林黛玉她祖母洪荒我靠美貌平山海年代文六零年代五味生活仙侠路人甲女配修仙记仙侠基建我在仙侠游戏里当垆卖酒古言我成了穿宫斗文女配眼中钉张沅芷刚刚消化 了自己穿越的事实,就被人以孝期守孝时日过长为由退了婚。行没问题她也不稀罕有了未婚妻还和别人纠缠不清的情种。待到出孝后两年,听到自己新出炉的未婚夫为荣国府世子贾赦时候她一口茶喷了出来。s男主前期有些背景板,女主出嫁后戏份多了有系1w0-95886 >>
内容简介:重生成蟒,从狂蟒之灾世界开始进化。吞食血兰的变异巨蟒。混血暴虐龙。被称作怪兽之王的哥斯拉。……而面对它们,许磊脑海中想的却只有一件事:“全都吃掉不知道能转化多少进化点?”1w0-661 36 >>
内容简介:外冷内热清冷自持影后攻宋如歌X没心没肺嬉皮笑脸骚断腿女警受何遇遇何遇遇再一次见到宋如歌,是在她奉命调查案件时。宋如歌,娱乐圈当红花旦兼影后,作为证人坐在她的面前。何遇遇抑制不住内心的悸 动在黑暗中把她禁锢在在墙上,低下头埋在她颈间,沙哑着嗓音问道“你到底想干嘛”宋如歌掀了掀眼皮,波澜不惊地从嘴里吐出两个字——“粗鲁”后来…宋如歌“结婚,马上!”何遇遇“???”宋如歌“如意CP粉已经把民政局搬来了。”何遇遇“……好的老婆。”【小剧场】某日,何遇遇出警,将宋如歌摁在墙上,眯着眼问道:“做我老婆?嗯?”宋如歌轻轻挑眉:“要看你有没有这个本事。”…………………………………ps:悬疑推理文!!!双向暗恋间歇性撒糖,无逻辑撒糖з」∠甜度:(不甜不要钱)1vs1,he——————本文为建设社会主义核心价值观,以中华传统美德,惩恶扬善为目的,献礼建国七十周年。希望我们国家繁荣昌盛,人民安居乐业!我也会从此刻做起,从小事做起,志存高远,脚踏实地,传承中华文化,弘扬民族精神,做一个了不起的中国人!【微博:杨林风的一只兰州】微博调戏各位书友要是觉得《何不遇如歌GL》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-69308 >>
内容简介:此为《SCI谜案集第三部》章节列表页该小说章节完整更新及时。《SCI谜案集第三部》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的,本站提供SCI谜案集第三部最新清爽干净的文字章节在线阅 读。1w0-70851 >>
内容简介: 一眼百年,重生都市。 盛世华章,古董收藏。 秦碑周彝,金石字画。 青铜青花,翡翠美玉。 天下奇珍,尽在我手。 重生归来的金锋在现代都市,凭借神 乎其技的鉴宝本领,一步步走向巅峰。 发扬民族最传统的文化,传承千年最完整的文明。 1w0-1246 >>
Himeno is going on a school-trip with her classmates, including three boys who can transform into the buddhist monk statue, Jizo.
'The star, fallen from celestial, built a kingdom in the abyss. He cultivates rusted souls fallen into the abyss. The star was trying to build a beautiful land. And then, hundreds of million nights had gone. The king of the abyss was laid up. He tried with his last power, and gave birth to two hopes. The red prince was born from his right eye, and the blue prince was another one. The future is always only one.' Apocripha/0 takes place in a 'devil's point of view,' in a world known as 'Naraku.' Since devils live here, in vice versa, angels from 'heaven' are their enemies. In this world, there was a powerful king of Hell who ruled under the absolute rule that 'only the strongest will survive.' He spent a long time trying to create a peaceful world, but his time was almost up, and therefore, his hopes lie in the fates of his twin princes - Alex and Platina. The king ordered Alex and Platina to fight each other in the 'battle/war of succession.' They were raised and trained by their own staff officers - Sapphirus takes care of Alex, and Jade trains Platina. Aside from having the same blood flowing in them, the two princes are actually strangers to each other. Alex does not want to fight Platina, but Platina does not seem to hesitate. Does Platina really want to fight? Will they have the strength to fight each other? Only the strongest will survive... Who will win? Aside from the 'war of succession,' a young boy named Beryl seemed to know a lot about the two princes, but in the midst he remains a mystery to them.. Sapphirus and Jade seemed to know something also. The princes both also saw visions of different events and even voices in their dreams. What do they all mean? --Taken from Diadeem Project
Hon no Tomodachi summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hon no Tomodachi. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Ryuuiichi Sugihara is a regular highschool boy who discovers a mobile game called Karman Gain, a game with the power to alter reality by giving up life points. He soon learns the consequences of running out of life points and gets entangled deeper in Karman Gain.
Saints Protection And Investigations: Discover Love summary: Saints Protection And Investigations: Discover Love summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Saints Protection And Investigations: Discover Love. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Royal Dynasty: Fire Song summary: Royal Dynasty: Fire Song summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Royal Dynasty: Fire Song. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Tempo Loss Bishop Exchange Of Haruhi Suzumiya summary: The Tempo Loss Bishop Exchange of Haruhi Suzumiya is a Haruhi Suzumiya short story written by Sō Sagara that appeared in the 30th anniversary Sneaker Bunko ent.i.tled The Sneaker Legend.
The Cry of the Phoenix Which Reached the Ninth Heaven summary:
{translated from source}
For the two-faced Emperor she gave her everything, yet she ended up with the fate of being gotten rid of once her usefulness ended and even lost her son’s life. Reborn as a human, she appears to be a fool, but meeting a G.o.d she’ll kill a G.o.d, meeting Buddha she’ll kill Buddha, pretending to be a pig in order to eat the tiger! She got rid of the malicious legitimate mother, slaughtered the snake-like legitimate elder sister, scared silly the heartless father, and angered the two-faced Emperor to death. Finally she can leave free and unfettered, but behind her followed a bunch of lovestruck pretty boys. So many tails, how to shake them off!
{from rosyfantasy}
Yao Mo Xin, the empress of Da Chu died in a cruel way a day after she gave birth at the hands of her husband the emperor, Ye Hong Yi, and her legitimate second sister, Yao Shu Ran. Ye Hong Yi got the throne because of the smartness of Yao Mo Xin, but he hated her because she made him feel like a useless person who needed a woman to become the emperor.
Her soul got in the body of her illegitimate third sister from the same mother Yao Mo Wan. Yao Mo Wan has the mentality of a child because the legitimate wife of her father fed poison to her mother while she was carrying Yao Mo Wan. Yao Mo Xin wants revenge for everything that happened to her, so she seduced the emperor and began her plan of taking everything away from him. She did that while pretending to still have the mentality of a child. She also wants to repay Ye Jun Qing back for everything he did for her while she was Yao Mo Xin. In the process of revenge, she met many people who will fall in love with her wit and intelligence.